Wedding trends: where did the animals?

 Wedding fashion - there is, and its development can be seen in photographs of different years in different countries. Of course, the groom to the bride's palm - the notion ostrosotsialnye and apparently immortal, but Western trends still penetrate everywhere. First came into fashion fun accessories for guests: mustaches, hats, glasses, beards on sticks, but they will be replaced by something new. How often have you met the bride and groom wear masks?

Venetian masks exist independently - they are always relevant and, surprisingly, suitable for almost any holiday, so the bride and groom in elegant Venetian masks especially not surprise anyone. But suddenly there are animals, and it looks fine. Animal masks even began to appear as gifts for guests instead of sweet dishes. Come to the wedding - if you like to dress up.

At first I thought that the animal masks - this is some single invention of several individual American couples. But the results of searches, I was informed to the contrary - animal masks are more common than I could imagine. Prototypes Is this some sort of cinematic fashion? Or ethical? Where did they come from?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?

Wedding trends: where did the animals?