Precious Garden & Horticulture

Design and fashion are increasingly attracted to the natural environment - nature. Sated slozhnosochinennye intricate patterns and shapes, many designers began to turn to natural. Namely - to that plays an important role in our daily life, but it is considered commonplace.

On the one hand, the reason for this may be the fashionable ideology of food porn, which is unfolding right now in front of our eyes. On the other hand, there is no fashion - nature in all its manifestations, and always will be the most powerful and does not dry out the source of inspiration.

Precious Garden & Horticulture

For example, last year the fashion house Dolce & Gabbana presented a collection of clothing with vegetable prints. It's like the story of the pumpkin, which evolved into the coach, only about zucchini, which turned into a dress. Dresses zucchini, tomatoes, eggplant and onions only sound doubtful, and look - great.
In the market of fashion jewelry and jewelry you can find everything - from minimalist geometric shapes to curls and flowers. But it is small and boring. Whether it natural forms of vegetables. Remember artichoke, cut cabbage, broccoli, raspberries. It's a ready-made art objects, and the embodiment of the usual forms in the new field - it is almost always successful.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture
German jewelery house Hemmerle
Jewelers Hemmerle released a collection of 12 vegetables, thereby proving that beauty is even what we used to consider routine. Bow of gold and diamonds, radishes red sapphires, diamonds with squash stem, ear of corn from pearls - all the vegetables turned neobyhnovenno bright, true and not vulgar. On the contrary - they look expensive and elegant.
Precious Garden & Horticulture
Japanese mistress Jungjung
JungJung knits with 11 years and makes it a truly masterly - its incredibly realistic creations and special knitted texture makes them even more attractive. "Vegetable" series connected finest crochet 0, 4 mm, and it's really real skill - that's so realistic enoki mushrooms tie or carrot tops. JungJung herself says she knits everything would be on her desk. After she began to knit vegetables wildflowers.
On its website, by the way, laid out and the scheme of knitting for those who wish.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture
Argentine painter Lucian Rondolini
Lucian Rondolini gathered fruits and vegetables are not the first freshness and adorned with jewels Tiffani. Through a series of works by Lucian encourages think that the beautiful outer shell does not always coincide with the indoor unit. So she denounces the vices of high society and throws a stone in the garden of those who are inclined to pay attention only to the aesthetic side of events and things they do not understand the essence.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture
Precious Garden & Horticulture
Bulgarian photographer Ventsislav Iliev
Ventsislav struck their teachers at the university, making a series of vegetables, jewelry. Among his creations - cufflinks with cauliflower, necklace as a folded bow ring garlic and other unusual things. All vegetables used were real, and overlaid them with Ventsislav special metallic composition. Of course, with such a realization wear them will not work, but the idea is good.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture
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Italian photographer Fulvio Bonavena
History crimson clutch and aubergine ballerinas begins with the moment when Fulvio and New Zealand chef Peta Mathias joined forces in the field of high fashion and cooking. Peta wrote lyrics and Fulvio inventing creative photography and still life instead of boring accessories collected from real food. So there was a book A Matter of Taste - pretty subtle play of words, given that the needs and tastes in fashion, and food.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture
Precious Garden & Horticulture
German studio Otto von Quast
In 2007, the designers of the Berlin studio released a collection of silver and gold pendants and brooches in the form of broccoli florets, cauliflower and beans. Each ornament is unique, just like any vegetable.
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Precious Garden & Horticulture