New and mysterious: the 100 most useful products

 Can you now remember the taste of the Chinese peach, kohlrabi, fennel or chicory? Have you ever wondered how many in your daily diet foods and what are they?  
Most likely, like most of us, you eat about the same thing - the familiar, beloved, clear, comfortable products. Repeating your choice from week to week, we close on new features and do not notice on the supermarket shelves or on the market a new amazing food.
Olya Malyshev, an expert on healthy eating, gathered 100 of the best products, and author Alexander Kardash united them in a fascinating text and published a book "100 most useful products."
New and mysterious: the 100 most useful products
The book can be called an encyclopedia - it gives information about the product in detail and as a whole, affecting the historical, social, and chemical and biological facts, shows how to use a particular food affects health, gives a complete table of the compatibility of products and tells how not spoil the product during cooking.
Which figure to choose what percentage of fat cottage cheese and better as the shelf life of the product associated with its quality. Why from cheese-slicing from the supermarket is to refuse. Does the color of eggshell on taste and quality. How to make sweet persimmon and why lingonberry must be radiation indicators - all these Tricks opens the book "100 most useful products." And these are just some of them.
New and mysterious: the 100 most useful products
Sour Cream
A good cream should not be anything other than cream and lactic acid bacteria. To check the quality, put a spoonful of sour cream in a glass of hot water: a natural product is completely dissolved and the water stain in the milky color. Or, you can drop a little iodine: if there is a part of starch, it will turn blue.
People with high cholesterol levels is to choose low-fat cheeses. And for those who often suffer from migraines, you should know that the cheese contains a substance tyramine - it stimulates the thyroid gland and can cause headaches. Typically, fat cheese depends on its color. In his pale cheeses least, in yellow - more.
Mark "D" on the shell means "diet" - is the freshest eggs, since the production of which was not more than 7 days.
The letter "A" marked on the eggs for a period of 25 days prior to implementation.
Overly clean eggs will not be stored for a long time - until they have been processed.
This valuable product can be easily from the "liquid gold", rich in nutrients, just turn the sweet substance, and many do so out of ignorance all the time - adding it to the hot tea. The fact that all the nutrients are destroyed in the honey a temperature of 40 degrees.
Vegetable fat
The best is oil first cold pressed labeled extra virgin - it has a natural sediment and does not tolerate sunlight so should be stored in a dark glass. It is important to note that all cold-pressed oils also do not tolerate high temperatures, so for frying and other types of heat treatment can not use them!