Evolutionary theory is an example of a single Lucy

 "Lucy" - a popular lecture on the meaning of life by Luc Besson with illustrative examples, lengthy explanations and spectacular experiences. Speak on behalf of the director entrusted to Professor Norman (Morgan Freeman), be a good example - Lucy (Scarlett Johansson). Get ready to record - in the end the author asks whether you have learned the material.

After a stormy night of fun Lucy American student in dress and leopard jacket obtyag going to go home to prepare for the exam, but my friend-jerk draws her into a dubious businessman.

Girl falls into the hands of mafia (the action takes place in Taiwan), as an antelope in the clutches of a predator, says Besson, accidentally receives a dose of the drug Supernova - synthesized SRN4, a substance that is produced by the body of a pregnant woman. Now she's in the way of disclosure of secrets of the universe.

According to the theory, parallel sonicated in a lecture hall Professor Norman, an expert in the area of ​​the brain, our gray matter working only 10%. Having the opportunity to develop it for 20, 30, 100%, people will be able to do incredible things.

Evolutionary theory is an example of a single Lucy

It is up to him and hurries Lucy realized that promptly umneet. Stands in the way of the Taiwanese mafia, which has its sights set on her, but Lucy is no longer worried about no fear, no pain. She does not know and does not doubt through their victims. Extra high, superopasnaya woman leaves for itself a reminder of the human - handsome French police (Amr Waked). Where do without him in the movie Besson!

Evolutionary theory is an example of a single Lucy

Without the French police Bessonovskiy film world as hard to imagine as without races, shootings, bellies and witty jokes. In "Lucy" matured director plays all your old cubes - artistically, but as usual, no sparks. The film revives Scarlett Johansson: Luc Besson shows his new Hollywood muse in all its glory.

The actress plays two very different characters. And if the first character - frightened, frivolous, funny blonde, caught in a trap - a colorful and lively, the second - superwoman with frozen emotions - continues a series of alien-virtual-heroic images of the last works of the actress: "Under the Skin", "She "" The Avengers. " But Besson does not make Lucy a superhero in the fullest sense: it lacks even a stylish suit, as, for example, Milla Jovovich in "5th Element", but only a well-fitting dress classic style. Lucy only human unit, example.

Evolutionary theory is an example of a single Lucy

The idea of ​​the film originated from Luc Besson ten years ago and demanded a thorough study. Global and impressive idea of ​​endless possibilities of our brain kept within a half hour of screen time. Unfolded, densely illustrated images of chemical processes transform the story of the first woman in the world in the crown of creation with a completely developed brain - pretty poppin movie with good dynamics, beauty Scarlett Johansson and wow messendzhem that go beyond the intellectual and fantastic reflections. "I am everywhere" - responds to a question Lucy lost her men. Read above: "Accidentally Takes Supernova dose of the drug ..."

In theaters September 11.