Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

 Tina Ruzina, photographer and model, gave details about his experience JustLady arthroplasty breast. About the fear, pain, and about what you have to face if you do decide. And show the results.

Tina Ruzina: Just want to say that my story is not propaganda plastic surgery, I am not advocating the modification - all should be in moderation. Nature has given us everything we need and surgery - this is your only choice. Impression of plastic surgery is a very subjective and do not take it for an authoritative opinion.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

Tina before surgery. And yes, she has a tattoo

In today's world, the external beauty considerably outweighed the value of spirituality. Boys and girls tend to look more beautiful, to think properly goes by the wayside. Perhaps this defect twenty-first century, and perhaps physical beauty - the key to harmony? After the body - the temple of our souls.

Very often I ask a question of beauty. What does it mean for me? What shape and appearance, it is my understanding. What I'm ready for the sake of beauty? It is no secret that the handsome man is easier to get a job, make new friends, to attract attention. But sometimes nature makes us not so, however, we would like to see yourself. Hence there complexes appear framework, more barriers in communication, emancipation and the desire to please not only men but also women remains. And sometimes it is the consequences of any accident or injury. And what remains? Do be sure to go under the surgeon's knife? We all dream to see themselves perfect. I will try to answer these questions eractable.


Despite the fact that I am an opponent of the surgery, I had to use the services of a surgeon. Many can write it off on the complex, but I am sure that for me it was a necessary measure. A few years ago, against the backdrop of my divorce, I was subjected to extreme stress. Up to stress the size of my breasts was the first. And I was all arranged. I still do not understand why this is the situation in my body hit the hardest. But in the same year I was sick a lot, and all this is reflected in my body. I lost weight from 45 to 37-38 kg (up to 160). And get better back it was extremely easy, given that we all in the family are very small and slender. And in general, I was pleased with myself, but I really wanted to return the 45 kg. I began to try to gain weight, but it was enough for exactly the winter, and then the weight fell again. I knew it was not normal, besides on the background of all lost weight and chest. And if it was the first issue, now it has slid to zero. But at least I was lucky in one - the nature of the shape of my breasts, even if small, has always been very nice and neat. None of my men, never complained of this factor. But I thought about it. I had to decide what to do next, because the weight and volume did not increase too.

The first medical consultation

I went to mammologu, had ultrasound, and the doctors told me about some of the deviations on the process and supported my decision. Since 2011, I began to intensively monitor the issue of plastic. A lot of rumors spread around operations. Those of anesthesia people do not go, then implants in airplanes burst, the float in the pool, then melt in the solarium. In general, a lot of horror stories and myths. It became abundantly clear that the more I read about it on the internet, the more doubts I get. A doubt did not want to. I had to move confidently towards its goal - to be beautiful and successful woman. In addition, there was a question: when, if not now? And then I began to come across clients who went through it all and happy, beautiful, and most importantly - healthy.

I began to quietly ask about all the pros and cons. Answers suited me, frightened, of course, price. But I was ready for such a sum: still an investment that's worth it. So I started looking for your surgeon to do the operation in another city dissuaded me immediately, as this extra confusion and overpayment. Now arthroplasty in complexity can be compared to an appendectomy. And I have been assured with a choice of clinics, because they do not often heard reviews and saw positive results. Unfortunately, I can not advertise here this clinic, as the guys behind me is not underpaid. I think they have and so there are no problems with customers. Could only accumulate the amount - and the battle.

When the entire amount was on hand, which means that it was too late to retreat, I went to the first consultation, where I did all the measurements. We have been chosen firm implants, density, size. In fact, so much in this toknostey that dizzy. I was shaking with fear. I never in my life did not go under the knife, and then I clearly understood that I had surgery a week later, and I was so panic that I can not connect two words. But if I depart, then so be sorry about what did not. Friends, my mother - all supported me in my choice. And I realized at that moment that I am surrounded by people priceless.

The choice of implant

There was a question about the size. I was interested because look natural. I just had to balance the chest with his hips. I decided that with my complexion immediately 3 size will be frank brute force, it will be too vulgar and neestvestvenno. In addition, the surgeon confirmed my words on measurements and said that 2 size is a perfect look for my figure. I agreed. It was important that it was all perfect.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

As it turned out, when you pay with operations every girl interesting signs a contract in which there is a column, which states that no surgeon does not guarantee you a perfect symmetry, because it just does not happen in nature. I agree, but we are, of course, want to pay and see the result, which is not even possible. In general, there are many interesting points that if you do not follow the rehabilitation, you can hurt yourself. I advise you to read it very carefully.

The shape and texture

In addition to the size needed to choose and shape, and texture, and density of the filler of the implant itself. As it turned out, he is three levels of gel stiffness. We have chosen the softest. At the touch of a breast is indistinguishable from natural, since it is very plastic and takes the natural form. I immediately decided to put a "round". It's for my complexion be perfect. We chose the best and most expensive in the lineup Perthese from the company Mentor. Measured and chose all these things more than an hour. Then complete your order, and I went home in anticipation of the day of surgery.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

Photo of successful joint replacement. Implatny Perthese

A week later, I came to the clinic and they told me that the second size in their presence was not there, so we put 2 5. Not to say that I was saddened by the news.

Fear of surgery

It was unbearably frightening. Surgeons - funny people, constantly joking, smiling. I would like to think that they see in you not only a purse. Me to the ward and the anesthesiologist came in detail how everything goes. I was given an injection, so I was not worried, but I'm still very much panicked, I was taken to the operating room, they also acted anesthesia ...

And for me, the real nightmare began when I started to come out of it. I was shaking, shivering, after anesthesia dreamed terrible delusional dreams. I'm wildly wanted to eat and drink, but from a sip of water I started to feel sick strongly. Explained to me that will not let me eat and drink until the morning, as it still does not work. Chest hurt, it was scary to turn the neck and move your hands.

First impressions

This, of course, excruciatingly painful and unbearably frightening, so you should be prepared for the fact that the first three days you will literally die. To be honest, I was crying when no one has seen. I had a hard time of this pain. I thought at first that I wonder is conceived. The pain is terrible sneeze, get up, roll over on its side. The first three days, you can only sleep on my back and not raise their hands above shoulder girdle. I'm not talking about how difficult it is to go to the toilet. It is better to just buy a duck, because to get up every time so painful that sometimes once again endure than go to the toilet. Clothing should immediately choose the one that buttoned, as his hands should not be lifted upward, and it is simply painful. Analgesic not particularly help and every step scary - because you feel like something alien shakes. From this I have always had the feeling that they are about to fall off and run away.


But on the third day, when you're going on a bandage, you feel a noticeable improvement. In addition, the surgeon, examined all, said: "Well, what do you dramatiziruesh? Do you even seams are not flushed! Everything is fine with you. Go, you can get up." After his words I cheered, I do not what came out of the hospital - flew out of there.

For a whole month I was forced to wear a compression garment, which ensures proper healing. It was a hot September. Therefore, I recommend doing such operations in the winter, when it is not so sweat. The healing process is much better. Wear this underwear - torture, it compresses the ribs like a corset too tight, but very well all the fixes. How are you going to wear this underwear, so will the final result.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

So slowly I came to myself. Special clothes had to wear a month and a half, in order to implant had grown inside the capsule and was no longer moving. Swelling in the first month and a half is quite impressive. With him, my chest was full third dimension, if not more. I was very surprised, because I thought it would be less. But when I removed the stitches and a half months later the swelling had gone completely, implants fell slightly, took a natural position, size, now 2, 5, as planned. And oh surprise! Plastic was so successful that I turned symmetry. I was thrilled, because I do say that it is almost impossible. And we've got, and I was happy.

Undeniable advantages

Not to lose breast tenderness. Not appeared stretch. Scars are very neat, very plan their sanded 2-3 years. Perfect fit all the clothes. Fits everything in lingerie stores. Does not feel the weight. All grows so natural that you feel already as their own. With a chest and you can forget all about the clothes, of course, if you do not make the size of 5-6, where doctors recommend not necessarily go without underwear to under the weight of the breast does not sag. I'm not talking about personal life, what changes there! But that's another story.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

Tina after hip replacement

Explicit cons

Scars, although they are now doing very carefully and quietly. First six months of pro sports, you can forget, no bags on one shoulder, no weights in his hands, no running, no sharp swings his arms. Permitted only swimming - and that is very individual and intense. Also, in some ways I prefer it myself, too, have to be limited. And six months later you can gradually return to sports, again in moderation.

The Result

Tell myself honestly, there was not a second that I regretted the decision. And perhaps many will not understand me or condemn, because I was a little changed its appearance, but it made me happy, self-confident. Surrounding delighted and I'll order more. And most importantly, that in the summer you can go without clothes, it is very convenient.

Breast plastic surgery. Subject disclosed

Anything else?

Will I resort to further modifications? - No.

The only thing that did not suit me, I recovered and was able to love yourself, be happy. I'm not one of those people who "infect" the surgeon to begin a modified anything. Everything should be in moderation. And if a woman has some "tarakanchik", which is able to correct only the plastic, I advise her to get rid of the troubles to live better and happier.

However, all this is very individual and subjective. Just in the modern world surgery has become commonplace and is not as terrible as it was 10-15 years ago. As for me, I slowly began to gain muscle mass, cause your body in order for sports, good food, walks, loved ones nearby. It helped me to feel a new taste of life, and I now realize even more that made the right choice.

To those who think and doubt I want to say that you were not afraid of pain. Pain - this is only a small part of the path, which then brings a lot of pleasure and the pain goes away without a trace. The most important thing, to find his artist who will bring your forms to perfection.

Thank you all for your attention. If you have any questions on this subject, which I have not touched upon, I will answer them in the comments.

Dear girls, light, love and give to the world the beauty!