African dandyism

 Dolce & Gabbana were going to sue for what the brand has used the image of black natives in their spring-summer 2013. But offended just do not understand that the Italian designers have merely admired for their beauty and style.

If I could choose, in the next life, I would like to be born a Negro. Full lips, curly hair, chocolate skin, against which the whites of the eyes and teeth look more porcelain, incredible tone of voice and a great ass - is what you need! Panterovaya goddess, a real woman! Sometimes I even think that merciless slavery was sent down to black people to their incredible beauty could redeem. But the main thing that no one white, it's their genetic sense of style, their wild, unbridled taste. The way Africans manage without any of color schemes perfect mix colors without fear of brightness seems to have built into their DNA, burned in their genealogical memory savannah hot sun, blows hammered djembe.

African dandyism

Seeing the recent series of photographs Esquire "Afronavty" Cristina de Middel, a kind of reconstruction really existed in the 60's space exploration program Zambia, I was delighted. And God bless him, that Zambia in space - it's ridiculous. My attention was riveted space suits. Whether it's not 1960, but at least the year 2160, when Zambia can be actually able to run spaceships in the sky seems to be their spacesuits would look the same. And this is in fact does not look klounstvom. It's just so accepted. This timeless fashion Africa.

African dandyism

African dandyism

Despite the fact that Africans born in countries with the dominance of European fashion, we have perforce to absorb this style in their appearance still happen glimpses of racial nature. Maybe it happens unconsciously, as a conversation in an unknown language in a dream. Or maybe, Africans are simply trying to combine, save its own rich culture at least a little bit, at least in ethnic accents. That in itself is worthy of respect.

I remember a case when sitting in a Paris cafe, notice how visitors head turned sharply to one side. In the institution went totally gorgeous black man. It did not have all these gloomy groomed clothes in which to clothe himself like white Europeans. He was dressed all in a single color, red sand color: wide-brimmed hat, great shoes, beige pants and a strict long cashmere coat that and wanted to touch. And all this is in contrast with the skin. And all this in the winter, when seen on the street for someone to light - it's on the verge of fiction. But how can it be a whole heck of it went!

This courage once pounded race, freedom to talk about themselves with pride and self-expression without regard for anyone else, without complexes can be traced not only in the appearance of black stars (take the same Grace Jones, Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae).

African dandyism

This is evident from Bow Street, for example, ordinary people. By the way, most blacks are the smiling passers-by on all bows stritpipera.

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

And often black men look even more smartly than women.

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

African dandyism

Django lived alive Django Django will live!

It is not surprising that some of them get positions in well-known fashion editors of glossy magazines.

African dandyism

Julia Sarr-Zhamo, fashion editor of Wonderland Magazine

African dandyism

Mboko Ndimba Mobutub, fashion editor in GHUBAR Magazine

African dandyism

Shion Turin, editor of the accessories in Teen Vogue

And then I told them, too, a little envy. Of course, hiswhite envy.