A little funny and strange about Korea

 The country "Morning Calm" I spent several wonderful and challenging months of life - I was not a tourist, but not a full citizen. In such a borderline opens many pitfalls - and not very pleasant, but always terribly interesting.  

A little funny and strange about Korea

Korea - a country of contrasts. Here motels coexist with churches, smartphones have beggars, and neat beautiful street can accommodate typical Asian market with the sometimes unbearable aromas. Chastity and vulgarity, toilets with remote control in the diner and the dominance of an incredibly beautiful and lovely things - it's all about Korea. It is impossible to cover everything, I will write only part that I was surprised, amazed, touched by and even forced laugh.

A little funny and strange about Korea
Photo: korean-fashion.tumblr.com

1. Bare legs and shoulders, neckline

Considered terribly impolite if the girl opened her shoulders. About neckline can tactfully silent :) At the same time bare feet are considered very attractive (and for good reason - they have azitok beautiful slender default). Often you can see a girl wrapped in a baggy sweater and LICs on the ears, but - in extremely short shorts or a skirt.

A little funny and strange about Korea

2. Beach

Under no circumstances should not go to the beach in a bathing suit. Never. In Korea decided to bathe in public in clothes - and this applies to boys and girls. Looks unusual, but much more stupid I looked and decided to swim quite chaste in his bathing suit - at first I bravely withstood all the endless shooting on smartphones mad with happinessat the sight of a naked white woman Koreans, but then still overlooking proud Europeans retired, wrapped in a towel and trying not to show his shame.

3. Clothing and footwear

Clothes in Korea very much - in transitions, supermarkets, markets and boutiques you can find good things. At the same time European brands like Zara have here a high rank - are quite expensive and are designed explicitly for a student budget.

Elegant feminine clothes in Korea almost usual, but in a crazy assortment of designer clothes with a crazy cut, hellish colors and combinations - in general, for fans of street-fashion thing then.

The main trend - sneakers, the more expensive the better, and worse than the steeper. Girl in light dress with ruffles in neon sneakers on a massive soles - a familiar sight.

By the way, boys shoes, of course, are also sometimes on the platform - so some of them compensate for their short stature.

A little funny and strange about Korea
Photo: korean-fashion.tumblr.com

4. Points

Koreans due to unknown biological reasons are often short-sighted, so the industry glasses and lenses are thriving. All that we see in its European market - nothing compared to the fact that Asians do. Wood, metal, pink and speckled gray-brown-crimson - please. In general, as well as throughout the world, preference is given to the classical form now wayfarer and its variations. The lucky ones with a great view is not lagging behind the fashion and wear glasses without lenses at all.

5. Gadgets and technology

We do not lie, speaking of Korea as a country of high technology. Here wifi network sometimes do not fit the list on the screen, while the beggars in the subway phone was better than mine. Koreans often like to laugh, looking at our modest phones Mesozoic era. Some smartphones have a kind of super-smart-TV Laksheri nano-gadget that can even throw the antenna 30 cm to the TV it was convenient to the metro look. Attitude to public appropriate technologies - simple. My heart bled every time when someone accidentally dropped my phone on the pavement, and silently raised carelessly stuffed back into his pocket.

A little funny and strange about Korea

6. Coffee, coffee and cute things

Koreans love coffee and make it great - they do not need to explain what espresso con panna, rather, they will begin to explain what a caramel latte macchiato. Even networking cafes extremely cute and cozy on their background overseas Starbucks looks dull, expensive and soulless. Once I drank coffee in a cafe with a pink interior, some dedicated to Princess Anne - a cat! All the cafe was hung with pictures of cats, cat was on the walls of graffiti, and each painted cat visitor received a discount on the bill.

A little funny and strange about Korea

Each cafe aims to lure repeat customers, so immediately distributes all storage cards dies after drinking a cup. If you look at the purse Korean, he likely will swell from the many cards of all the institutions of the city.

A little funny and strange about KoreaA little funny and strange about Korea
ice cream "wafers" and pastries from the underground

7. Cosmetics and personal care

Maximum, to which we are accustomed to - three-tier system of skin care. But the Koreans have not heard about this - they have a system, rather, a hundred-thousand-speed. Purifying tonic, tonic matting, moisturizing lotion, lotion matting, base, another base, then something else, then BB-cream - and all you can now finally have to make up your eyes and lips. Lips, by the way, Koreans love to paint "inside" - not completely, leaving only a few bright lipstick beyond the mucosa of the lips.

With all this careful approach to the beauty of Korean women, meanwhile, to hair removal are untrusted and some even bad - kind of like it too openly.

8. Motels and relationships

Motels in Korea are at every step and work on your most important purpose. Before marriage, sex is considered unacceptable. More precisely, they all engaged before the wedding, but do it in secret from their parents.

There are separate elevators for boys and girls in some hostels and, again, motels. For this reason, guys like European women for their more "open" views and relaxed attitude to time sex. Koretz often behave very very ugly and engaged otrovennym readout - there is even the phrase "do not ride the white horse," in which "horse" is the Europeans or American.

Well, finally after all some photos of contrasts.

A little funny and strange about Korea

A little funny and strange about Korea

A little funny and strange about Korea

A little funny and strange about Korea

A little funny and strange about Korea

A little funny and strange about Korea