Women's earrings - love forever

Women's earrings - love forever
 Well, who would have thought that such a favorite ornament of women throughout the history of mankind, such as earrings, were once exclusively male accessory. Several centuries earrings men serve as confirmation of their exceptional courage and brutal irresistible. Having looked through the pages of history, female site JustLady found that earrings were already in ancient Egypt - it was the attribute of man of high rank. At Caesar's centurions nipple ring was a sign of valor and courage.

Women Earrings never been a symbol of valor, but we, in general, it is useless. It is known for women's earrings were a symbol of Russia, first of all, his father's patronage. It was the custom, on the fifth anniversary of her daughter's father gave her earrings, which were carefully kept until the end of life. Girlish earrings strikingly different from the shackles of married women.

In the beginning,Women earringsAs well as men, were very easy to make - just ring that is inserted into the earlobe. Gradually, women's options became more varied and interesting. Jewelers, since the Bronze Age, give a lot of time and effort to create unique jewelry for women. Fashion earrings on just is not constant, as well as all associated with a woman. But one thing remains unchanged always - gold and diamonds out of time and out of competition.

But such jewelry should be worn in the appropriate setting. And at a certain age. Very young girls with bulky earrings, studded with precious stones, do not emphasize the social status and bad taste. As said the heroine of the cult novel "Breakfast at Tiffany's", "It's cheap - wear diamonds until you no forty. Even forty risky. Truly they look only at the old woman. Like Mary of the Assumption. Wrinkles and bones, gray hair and diamonds. " It is not necessary, of course, wait until you turn forty to wear elegant earrings, but the truth in these statements is.

There is a certain dress code by wearing jewelry. Day of earrings should be miniature, with small stones, so as not to attract too much attention. Not accidentally, many large companies are forbidden to wear flashy jewelry during working hours. But on an evening out, this rule does not apply and the woman can not afford to put what your heart desires. Although the last statement also needs editing. Soul-it may require that the owner is not strictly. It is believed that the stones in the earrings should be in harmony with the color of the eyes, or be part of a jewelry set. If a woman wears glasses, earrings should not be large, without decoration, so as not to overload the upper part of the face. For small lobes must be chosen matte ornaments oblong and large, need graceful earrings are not burdened with a large number of stones. Chubby ladies need long earrings that will "shrink" the person, and the beauty of fine features and chiseled cheekbones to emphasize rings earrings and bulky clips. There are several types of earrings: cloves, earrings, pendants, earrings, hoops, studs, earrings with precious stones. So the choice is always there. 

Women's earrings - love forever
Women's earrings - love forever
Women's earrings - love forever

pictured: Ladies Earrings

This season in fashion jewelry. But, in fact, it's probably not great news. Gold has always been the price. However, gold is changed externally. Jewelers offer not only the traditional yellow and white gold, Italian masters and coined the black gold, which looks very original and unusual. It is worth it though fabulously, but then it's worth it. In recent years, the master general, "izgalyatsya" over the eternal metal as they can - on sale there, and blue, and green, and pink earrings with the die sample on the bow.

In general, with all fashion jewelry is fairly predictable. Although at times on the podium elitist and out rather ambiguous personality type Aaron Basha, who introduced the fashionWomen earringsStudded with diamonds and pearls in the form of bunnies, bears, cars. The underlined his childishness ornaments created a sense of emotion at all star beau monde, who now gladly buys its products and gives each other on the children's birthdays.

Other fashion jeweler Di MODOLO, contrary proclaimed grace benchmark for others to follow and does not deviate an inch from the course. That is why it is so fond of Catherine Zeta Jones and Tea Leoni - both not only fans of this brand, but officials and advertising companies. These two masters at the moment dictate fashion in the fashion Olympus, depends on them will look like stars on the red carpet.

Women's earrings - love forever
Women's earrings - love forever
Women's earrings - love forever
Women's earrings - love forever

pictured: fashion earrings

If jewelry is more or less clear, then with all the jewelry is not easy. Return to the era of the 80's in the fashion catwalk could not touchwomen's earrings. And he, of course, touched. So, today's 15-year-olds need to get into the mother's chests and took out a voluminous earrings, with unimaginable number of stones, beads and beads. But if suddenly retro model slightly lost its presentation, feel free to go to the boutiques - all the leading designers in the world this year so obsessed with decorating favorite earrings.
Sometimes it is simply terrible - and survive if our ears it? Women's Site JustLady advised to exercise discretion, and, despite the fact that this summer in fashion jewelry large number, yet do not turn into a Christmas tree ...

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bracelet, earring