How to make the most flower decorations

How to make the most flower decorations
 Adorn themselves with flowers, people learned in ancient times. Garlands, boutonnieres, wreaths will never go out of fashion, and the material for them in the warm season will always be at your fingertips. You can certainly make ornaments and artificial flowers, and there is a wizard that are true masterpieces. But if you are preparing for a summer celebration, use of natural plants.  
 Boutonniere - perhaps the most common decoration of flowers. For her, you'll need a special floral wire, which can be bought in any flower pavilion. Wire need no more than 10 cm. Flowers cut as short as possible, almost at the head. Bend the wire in half, to get something like hairpins. Put it on the flower. Wire in this case replaces the stem.

Wind on an artificial stem teip-tape in the direction of the flower heads to the free edges. If boutonniere will be several colors for each need a separate "stud." Once all the pieces are ready, connect the "stems" together and wrap them again strapped ordinary safety pin. Flower will cover a pinhead. Can be mounted on a boutonniere hairpins.

One of the oldest flower decorations - garland. It is associated with many rituals. On spring and summer holidays girls wove wreaths, let them on the river, making a wish, or put on a pole, which is then braid the ribbons. Need for a wreath of flowers with long stems. It is desirable that they did not have tenons. For a wreath of roses thorns is better to cut with a sharp knife.

Take 3 flowers. Secure them from head to spin thread and start a normal braid. Gradually connect to each "strand" new flower. You can weave the long grass, clusters of berries and so on. D. When the braid will be of such a length that can extend it's head, connect the ends of the wreath, tie their blades of grass or thread. The free ends of the stems hide between colors. Wreath can be done differently. Entwined flowers and grass cord length is slightly larger head circumference. The ends of the cable tie. Exactly the same principle is made and bracelet, the stems may be shorter.

Garland of flowers, so popular among fans of the Hawaiian party, is a long garland. And is almost the same. Braid cord is better, then decoration will be more durable. At the end of a long piece of string make a loop, put it on a nail or other protruding object, so you can freely spin. Tie together 3 flowers with long stems, strapped them to a string of green thread. Scourge garland in the same way as the wreath, gradually joined by new plants. The ends can be tied, but this is not required. Garland may be worn, for example, the removable collar.

Tags: decoration, living