How to choose jewelry to dress

How to choose jewelry to dress
 Women always want to impress their appearance, they like to attract attention, like the admiration and not fake interest. And it depends mostly on properly chosen hairstyle, makeup, clothes. And to emphasize our individuality is still possible with the help of properly selected jewelry. There are a few rules in the selection of jewelry and the rules you need to know and take into account.

An important role is played by colors. So, when choosing a classic black dress fits almost any jewelry. Yet in this case the benefit jewelry in gold or silver. In order to highlight the neckline, it is wise to choose a pendant. Sparkling crystal very attracts attention.


To dress in blue is perfect massive golden decoration. Especially if it is a long dress. Short blue dress choose the best jewelry in white. It will give your image lightness and coquetry.


To pick up along the purple decorations should be cautious. This color is quite saturated, and therefore an error in the selection of decorations can be done easily. Such clothes well complement ornaments in colors like black, white, dark gray and light yellow. Avoid scarlet, pink and blue colors.


Red dress preferred silver jewelry. After red itself is very bright, and so you want to shift the focus slightly. Dress gray, on the contrary, requires further attention, so here will be the ideal option decoration of bright, rich colors. It is cute and will look classic, such as a pendant with a pearl. Well, for clothing pink enough or just the bracelet earrings.

Useful Tips

A large amount of jewelry often does not look nice, but only cumbersome.

Tags: dress, jewelery, costume jewelery, selection