Twist yarns and yarn called the degree of torsion of textile fibers, yarns, sewing threads, etc., determines the number of turns per unit length. There are three types of twist: gentle, medium and strong. With flat twist yarns have 100-230 turns per meter, with an average number of turns is increased to 230-900. Among twist yarns flatter the largest number of turns of the thread has muslin raw silk - 1500 revolutions per meter. Strong thread (creped) have a twist of 1500 to 2000 turns per meter. The stronger twist, the elastic thread. Twist may be both the left and right, depending on which way the twisted thread.
Twist yarn yarn
Twist yarns and yarn called the degree of torsion of textile fibers, yarns, sewing threads, etc., determines the number of turns per unit length. There are three types of twist: gentle, medium and strong. With flat twist yarns have 100-230 turns per meter, with an average number of turns is increased to 230-900. Additional yarns ...