How to remove fat in the lower abdomen

How to remove fat in the lower abdomen
 Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity leads to the appearance of excess weight on the body and the formation of unsightly "bags" with excess fat. One of the most problematic areas is the abdomen, especially the lower part.
 To remove excess fat, it is necessary first of all to eat. Need to limit yourself to the use of sweets, muffins, white flour products, fatty foods. It is advisable to completely abandon the fast food. It is better to "lean" on the greens, fruits, and vegetables.

Help remove underbelly foods containing fiber (bran cereal, brown rice), lean meat, fish, seafood. Breakfast should start with cereal, best oatmeal.

Must be removed from the diet sodas, beer. Eating sugar is better to limit. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate.

It is also important to respect the food - dinner should be light and snacking best low-fat yogurt, dried fruits and nuts. Bread (black or bran) is recommended to use only for breakfast.

Help remove underbelly simple exercises. Each need to perform at least 15 times:

Take the prone position and slowly, without bending, lift the legs to 90 degrees. Then bend their knees and lower the first to the left and then the right side.

Stay in the supine position. Bend your knees and lift the body at right angles.

Without changing the starting position, draw symmetrical right and left legs in the air numbers - from 0 to 9. This exercise should be run at least 1 time.

Get rid of excess fat in the abdomen will also help dance classes (especially eastern), yoga, Bodyflex, water aerobics, swimming.

Psychologists believe that accumulation of fat, including the lower abdomen is the result of increasing levels of the hormone cortisol. This occurs due to stress, fatigue and feelings. Need to take a break from work and home environment, more walk in the fresh air.

There is a simple way to relax - you need to sit comfortably, breathe deeply and slowly exhale.

You can remove excess fat in the lower abdomen, resorting to plastic surgery. Currently there are many effective methods, such as liposuction.

Tags: fat, stomach, part of