It is not recommended to engage in self-massage, as can damage their skin, stretch it, which will lead to an increase in the number of wrinkles. However, in order to make yourself a massage without consequences enough to remember the main rule: in any case it is impossible to displace the skin and cause discomfort itself. Massage is designed to relax every cell, nourish it with energy and even help relieve stress, rather than grind and do harm.
The main way of massaging the face is the main stroking massage lines: from the chin to the earlobe, from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the tip of the nose to the center of the forehead, from the middle of the lower lip to the pinna from the outer edge of the eye to the nose and cheek to cheek back to the ear. It is important to remember that massage can be done only with the use of massage cream, and in no case on dry skin.
Another way is to massage lightly tapping his fingers on the basic massage lines. Be sure TAPPED not to cause harm to the skin!
Often with the captured facial massage the neck, and the need to drive hands on the line from the earlobe to the neck and back. Slight tingling improves blood flow, which makes the skin rosier and fresher.
Massage should be done very gently and carefully, because on the face is a lot of acupuncture points, are responsible for the health of the whole organism. Pressure on some of these points can lead to discomfort, not only individuals but also the internal organs.
In addition to the outdoor massage hands recommended internal massage, a kind of warm-up facial muscles. For example, fold his lips and make nine circular motion in one or the other way, and then abruptly as widely as possible, open mouth and eyes, so that the skin on his face taut. Then how would collect the nose and eyes "in a pile," to his nose and stretch again. These exercises will help to make the skin supple, which will prevent facial wrinkles.
Remember that happiness is not ideal, and personality!