Rosacea on the face

Rosacea on the face
 Rosacea rather unpleasant skin disease, even less joy gives to women when they discover rosacea on his face. What is this disease, as advised to treat rosacea, traditional medicine and modern cosmetology, tell a women's magazine JustLady.  

Rosacea - a skin disease, which is reflected in the expansion of blood vessels and the formation of vascular "stars." One or two small nodules can not be too noticeable, but sometimes a small number of fairly large structures can severely damage the finish.

Vascular grid may appear on the body, upper chest, but most worryingly, of course, eto-rosacea on the face. It occurs due to many factors.
At risk in the first place are those who have sensitive skin thin, thin-skinned and blushing. Because in fact rosacea - a disease that occurs due to circulatory disorders.

At first, sensitive skin reddens and itches at the slightest irritation (cold, hot water, mechanical impact), then vessels dilate more, lose their elasticity, the skin remains constant red. In addition to this, we see dark nodules - vascular "stars".

Howeverrosacea on the face - A consequence of not only the direct effects on the skin, but also to the entire vascular system. Very hot food, lots of hot and salty, bad habits (alcohol, tobacco), as well as such a pleasant procedure as sauna, all this significantly affects the picture of the disease.
By the harmful factors have also added scrubs, lotions, alcohol, massages, hard towels and sponges for washing.

So if you find yourself on the face of the vascular net, the first thing you need to do - to conduct an audit of cosmetics, buy a specialcream rosaceaRevise food and habits.

Treatment of rosacea

Unfortunately, rosacea very stubborn disease and treatment have a long and expensive. In addition, maintaining a normal condition of the skin after treatment require considerable strength. No matter how you try,rosacea on the faceIs likely to appear again, once you have this skin, but when it happens, and how difficult it will be to get rid of it again, depends largely on your willingness and patience.

In clinics and beauty centers offer special treatmentstreatment of rosacea. This can be a laser, electrocautery, skin rejuvenation treatments, phototherapy, ozone injection, lymphatic drainage, and so on. D.
In each case, the methods and treatment program can intelligently choose a doctor. He will perform the required tests, examine your skin and prescribe treatment. After all, many of these procedures is not harmless and not every skin will react to them properly.

It is also recommended to visit a dermatologist. He may appoint additional research, as well as to prescribe drugs for oral administration. After all,rosacea on the faceAs already mentioned, point to common problems with blood vessels and, therefore, external procedures, the case is likely, will not do.

Independently maintain normal skin condition, and to continue treatment at home will help rosacea cream rosacea. These creams are produced by many cosmetic companies whose products are sold only in pharmacies.
Get good reviews creams from rosacea Companies «Aven», «Lierac», «Dr. Taffy." However, we must remember that only one such means do not succeed.

Treatment of rosacea at home

Treatment of rosacea at home basically comes down to proper skin care and the use of special tools.
Only need to wash with warm water, wipe the skin with ice can not in any case.

Cleaning procedures, which are usually accompanied by rasparivaniem skin, you are contraindicated. Therefore, let the experts of their beauty salon.
Clean skin morning and night to remove makeup is best with a special milk and apply on the night restoring cream.

Tonics and lotions should not contain alcohol and oils, and other irritants.
After washing, it is not necessary to wipe the face with a towel, it is better to wait until the skin is dry herself.

A good line of funds, which also include nightcream rosacea, Cleansing milk manufactured by KORFF.

In daily care to include the application of well-nourishing cream from rosacea and special masks. Such means gentle care for the skin, creating a protective layer and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Treatment of rosacea at home also involves taking vitamins. Experts advise to choose the complex, which includes vitamins P, K and C.

Cosmetics recommended to get at the pharmacy. Special masking pencils and creams from rosacea will not cause harm to the skin, protect from sunlight and other harmful factors.
You also need to refrain from applying creams and concealers with sponges and brushes, so once again not to traumatize the skin. All funds deposited with your fingertips, lightly.

 Treatment of rosacea in the home can also be enhanced by using folk remedies.

Rosacea: treatment of folk remedies

Treatrosacea traditional medicine offers infusion of chamomile. To do this, take 3 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials and brewed cup of boiling water. When the mixture has cooled sufficiently, raw materials squeeze, and from the infusion make gadgets, putting damp cloth for 10 minutes to places redness and spider veins.

Useful for rosacea also masks from raw potatoes. Peeled potatoes rubbed on a fine grater and put on the face. After 10 minutes, remove the mask by means of infusions of chamomile and calendula.

Frost and winter wind is bad for any skin, but they are especially harmful if Facial rosacea.Treatment of folk remedies therefore also involves the application of a special mask before going out.

To take the mask teaspoon vegetable oil (peach, olive, grape seed, linseed) and thoroughly mixed with 1 tsp. Lanolin and a small amount of starch or talc. The mask is applied on the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then gently wash off with warm water or broth chamomile.

To eliminate rosacea, folk medicine also has to prepare medicinal tonic that you can wash your face morning and evening.
To do this, take 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile and brewed at 0, 5 liters of water. Then carefully crushed 2 tablets Ascorutinum and add the powder to the cooled infusion. All thoroughly mixed.

In conclusion I would like to remind you that rosacea is still more disease than just a cosmetic defect, so its treatment should be approached responsibly. Take the time to consult with your doctor about the salon procedures, cream of rosacea, ask how best to carry outtreatment of rosacea at home.

Would like to say about the popular methods of treatment of rosacea. Some articles can be found references that treat rosacea folk medicine suggests using ice from the broth of herbs or a mask of fresh fruits and berries. However, experts generally do not recommend you to do, as the ice is bad for the already lost elasticity of blood vessels, and the fruit acid is irritating to the skin.

Determine the condition of your skin is and what treatments rosacea folk remedies will suit you best determine a doctor.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: cream, mask, container, doctor, mesh, tonic, treatment, medicine, Ascorutinum, Tuffy

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