Calculate the final increase in the child: 5 popular formulas

Calculate the final increase in the child: 5 popular formulas
 Probably the majority of parents in the world, holding the hands of their child, and consider what will be their baby. And if to anticipate the nature and destiny weave in advance is not possible, try to calculate the future growth of the baby, is quite real.

Bright-eyed baby, snoring peacefully in bed, or not even born into the world, already contains information that is so interested parents. Having inherited from them a certain limit growth, baby develops according to plan.

What will be the final growth of the child? There are plenty of formulas can answer this question. Consider five of them. They are based on the assumption that the final height of the child to 75-90% depending on heredity, and especially, the growth of the parents.

1. The first formula, as they say, "popular" because the name of its creator has sunk into oblivion. But it is quite popular, and it's a good sign, in an attempt to learn the future growth of your baby.

If you want to know the final growth of the boy, then fold increase with an increase in the mother's father (in centimeters), multiply the resulting sum to 0, 54, and multiplying the result by subtract 4, 5 cm.
In a formula, it looks like this:
Projected growth boy (boy PR) = (height father + mother height) * 0, 54 - 4, 5;

If the calculated final growth of the girls, the sum of the growth of the mother and father should be multiplied by 0, 51, and then on the result subtract 7, 5 cm.
Formula: PR girls = (height father + mother height) * 0, 51 - 7, 5

2. Authorship of the second formula is attributed to Dr. John. Hawker from the clinic, "Mayo".
Ol boy (cm) = (height father + mother height): 2 6, 4;
PR girls (cm) = (height father + mother height): 2 - 6, 4.

3. The third formula belongs to the researcher from Czechoslovakia (back in Soviet times) V.Karkusu.
Ol boy (cm) = (height father + mother's height multiplied HA1, 08): 2;
PR girls (cm) = (father's height multiplied by 0, 923 + growth mother): 2.

4. The following formula is the author of the creators of the article "Stunting in childhood," Professor Vladimir Smirnov and doctor-endocrinologist Gleb Gorbunov. She's a bit similar to the formula Hawker, but assumes the accuracy of calculations plus - minus 8 cm.
Ol boy (cm) = (height father + mother + growth 12, 5): 2 ± 8;
PR girls (cm) = (height father + mother's height - 12, 5): 2 ± 8.

This formula not only calculates the estimated final growth of the child, as assumes the maximum and minimum growth of the baby at the current growth of his parents.

5. Another "popular" formula offers calculate the final growth of the child, based on growth, which reached a baby is 1 year old.
Ol boy (cm) = growth of the child at the age of 1 year + 100 cm;
PR girls (cm) = growth of the child at the age of 1 year + 100 cm - 5 cm.

Any of the above formulas, assumes an "ideal" growth of the baby, which he can achieve under favorable circumstances. If a child has a chronic disease, it is far from full power and management in the body lack occurred, or, alternatively, any excess of vital nutrients and vitamins, its development is somewhat different pace.

It should also be borne in mind that a decrease in programmed growth leads inadequate exercise (weight training, or vice versa, low physical activity), insufficient sleep, stressful situations at an early age.

In any case, increase the future growth of the child can be as long as the closed zone growth. Use the special exercises that stimulate the metabolism and enhancing bone growth. This voyage, visy, a series of exercises of yoga. In addition, good nutrition, a positive mental attitude and your love, can improve the overall physical condition of the child, and it's not so little.

Tags: child growth formula age calculation

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