Undoubted advantage of hair removal that investing a large enough amount of money to purchase a portable device, as a result you save money: in fact the total amount of monthly salon depilations exceed the cost of the device several times!
Hair removal method is based on thermal effects on the skin area to which you want to remove hair. Under the influence of heat and light hair and the hair follicle is simply broken up and destroyed, and after some time completely prekrasschaetsya their growth. In contrast to the "brother" of this method - laser hair removal - procedure is much faster, because the effect of hair removal is momentary.
During the hair removal is much less risk of burn earn for this reason, before and after the procedure, you can sunbathe (worth recalling that sunbathing in any case can not be taken for a week before and after laser hair removal because the laser affects hair destructive way is through melanin produced during tanning and skin). The advantage of hair removal is also the fact that it affects not only on dark hair, but also for light.
Application home photoepilator simply and safely attached to it detailed instructions explaining how to use the machine modes.
By cons of home photoepilator include only the fact that this is often the availability of this method directly "at hand" can lead to too frequent use of the device, without delay laid a break in one or even two months.