Mesotherapy: cocktails Beauty

Mesotherapy: cocktails Beauty
In pursuit of the fairer sex youth spend a lot of money on expensive cosmetics, ruining their health in deciding on such radical methods in the fight against aging, as plastic surgery. But all this is, unfortunately, does not always bring the desired result. Now more and more women have resorted to another, safer method - mesotherapy.
Mesotherapy is a special micro-injection drugs that are administered under the skin in the upper layers of it. Mesotherapy is virtually painless, since these "cocktail of beauty and youth", in addition to useful trace elements and vitamins, also contains an anesthetic.

Such procedures are not restricted by age and contraindications. The only case when it is not recommended to mesotherapy - a pregnancy and the post-operative period. Side effects if done correctly and procedures are not observed, because of the fact that the cocktail of youth and beauty are inserted under the skin, they are fighting directly with a specific problem and their effects selectively.

The very process of mesotherapy is as follows: fine needle syringe or a special "gun" is introduced cocktail of nutrients to a depth of 1, 5-6 millimeters under the skin. Enter the amount of drugs 0, 02-0, 2 cubic centimeters to problem areas. To obtain the desired effect will be enough to make a 7-15 such procedures, thus, each of them should be 1 every 7-10 days, but the course of mesotherapy usually selected individually.

The method has, of course, their advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages are the following: lack of toxicity; convenience graphics procedures that do not require daily clinic visits; duration of the effect of rejuvenation, as well as the possibility of exposure to any zone.

But there are in this procedure and some minuses. For example, it may be temporary bruising, reddening and allergic reactions to certain drugs. Also may become an obstacle for some people fear injections.

With the help of these cocktails can be useful to get rid of cellulite, facial wrinkles, age spots, scars, stretch marks, spider veins, deformation of facial contours, improve the complexion, restore and rejuvenate the skin structure it, as though the whole body.

Tags:Beauty, mesotherapy procedure

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