How to adjust digestion

How to adjust digestion
 The rhythm of our life often leads to what we eat properly, using the product is not quite useful. And because of digestive problems is a fairly common ailment, from which you want to get rid of.  
 Digestive system not only provides our bodies with nutrients and removes from him harmful products. She is also actively involved in other important processes, for example, in blood, maintenance of homeostasis, regulation of endocrine functions. Therefore, any changes in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract is likely to disrupt its operation, and consequently to disease and other organ systems. In order to establish digestion, it is necessary to follow some simple tips.

The first thing to deal with overeating. After the meal should remain hungry. Stomach transmits information to the brain that it is full only after 10-15 minutes, after this time there is still a desire, pass. At constant overeating gradually reduce the amount of food. Fruit is desirable to use raw, so come faster saturation.

Per meal can not eat a lot of different dishes. After all, every food product requires our body produce a certain enzyme. If this does not comply, the food there is a desire to sleep, nausea, feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Try to diversify your desk. Use one long product can lead to a lack of any substances and trace elements.

Do not rush meals. This is a prerequisite for the proper digestion of food. Quieter than you eat, the more quickly filled. Try to eat at the same time, it will also facilitate the process of digestion.

Watch the temperature of food. Do not eat much hot and cold food, it also slows down the digestion. Also hot products can injure the mucosa of the esophagus. Eat with gusto, at the expense of his body secretes more gastric juice.

Dine no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Eat in the evening is not calorie, light products. Drink two liters per day of clean water.

Tags: digestion

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