How to remove the breeches

How to remove the breeches
 Gallifet - these are "ears" on the thighs, outer side. Another breeches called "bear ears." In general, they can be long to describe, because those for whom this question is relevant, and so they know how these same ears look. On the women's forums a question about how to remove the breeches, and pops up very often. Advise a lot, but that's not all work, and women continue to further torture yourself diets tightened in jeans two sizes too small, just to make hip slim and beautiful. Women's magazine JustLady decided to collect and summarize the main ways of getting rid of these ears - why our ears on the hips?

So, the main ways in which women can get rid of breeches, isolated diet and fasting, exercise, massage, and liposuction. Consider each method in detail.

How to remove breeches liposuction

Liposuction - the easiest method, but not the best. Under liposuction medicine involves pumping the fat deposits of the subcutaneous tissue of those places that can not be physically affected. But here's the area just breeches and physical effects can be corrected. So why do the surgery? But if you do decide to take this step, you will be helpful to know that the small fat deposits in the area of ​​breeches, a correction vacuum method. Also there is a laser and ultrasonic liposuction. Of course, to remove the breeches on the thigh exercises, massages and diets much longer than liposuction, but still it is better to be resorted to only when all methods are tried to no avail.

How to remove breeches massage

Many women claim that they were able to defeat the breeches massage. It is desirable that the problem area you massage specialist - he really knows how toremove breeches. If you are lucky with the masseur, the result will be visible very soon. Good and proper massage improves lymphatic circulation and strengthens the outflow of venous blood. Can be done self-massage, but it is not so effective. Massage this area includes rubbing, stroking, tapping and kneading. Combine massage with water procedures - this is doubly useful. For example, take a bath with essential oils (about which oil to choose, can be read in a magazine JustLady), and then carefully rub the area breeches hard sponge. Of course, the relatively tight - no need to strip off the skin, and just massage washcloth can terry cloth. Please note that if you have any problems with the skin, then do this procedure is forbidden! If during the massage use anti-cellulite cream, then the procedure will be more obvious results. Self-massage is done in ten minutes.

How to remove breeches diets

In a nutshell, that one diet does not remove the breeches, and how could you not hungry, it will not help you. Living witnesses of this can be considered skinny girls, who also have ears on the hips. In Order Toremove the breeches on the thighs, exercises, massage and diet should complement each other. In any case not to torture himself to death - so you will not get anywhere, but only undermine his health. If you decide to remove the breeches on the thighs exercise and diet, change your diet. In particular this applies to carbohydrate, such as found in biscuits, cakes, pastries and other tasty, but not very useful in our situation sweets. Is focusing on protein foods, foods with complex carbohydrates, and, of course, fruits and vegetables. About diet and proper nutrition, you can also learn a lot in the journal JustLady. Ideally, you should see a dietitian who will develop your individual diet. Then, combining exercise, massage and diet, you will have a very good chance of winning these insidious "ears" on the hips.

How to remove the breeches

How to remove the breeches on the thigh exercises

Now, actually, about the exercises. In order to remove the breeches, the focus needs to be done for study outside of the thigh. For example, effective these exercises:

• Stand with your arms extend forward, feet shoulder-width apart on the stand with his head down. Spin during exercise should be straight and elongated, and the stomach retracted. Lower the head, slowly squat. Hips should be strictly parallel to each other. Take a deep squat, slowly rising. At first, do 3-4 exercises, then the number can be increased to 10.

• Sit on the floor, lean on the arms, legs and bend at the knees apart. Do this exercise slowly, knees and plant until it stops, and then just as slowly joining them. First, follow the 5 exercises, and then, when it becomes easier to do 10-12 reps.

• Make exercise "scissors" and "bicycle".

• Sit on the floor, hands lean on the floor behind him, legs straighten and apart. Exercise is to rotate the feet, first inside, then outside. Repeat 10-12 times.

• Lie on your side, straighten your upper leg, then slowly lift up, lower. Do 10 swings. The same exercise is repeated with the other leg.

• Sit on the floor, straighten the legs, pull the toes, shoulders back. Hands slightly bent at the elbows and lean on them. Pull your knees to your shoulders so that the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Then straighten your legs and heel lightly touch the floor. At first it may seem difficult exercise, and after it will hurt a little muscle. But then you will be given it much easier. First, do 3-4 exercises, then brought the number of repetitions of 8-10 times.

Journal JustLady hopes that these tips will help you finally get rid of breeches.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: breeches, diet, ears, hip, exercise

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