How to make fewer hip

How to make fewer hip
 Proportional to the volume of the body - a source of pride of every girl. They want to have almost everything. But a beautiful body - it is work, regular and focused. Capable of such a feat units. Sometimes it also happens that the proportions suit all but the hips. But this problem is easily solved.  
 Make hip less, you can use three action - sports, wraps and dietary restrictions. If you decide to get results as quickly as possible, using all three methods comprehensively.

Dietary restrictions - this is not a diet. It is not necessary to exhaust your body, will receive less calories and nutrients. The diet must include dairy products, lean meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts. But the number of calories consumed should fit your lifestyle.

It is best to calculate the approximate number of calories that you spend per day. And consume per day a little less than the figures obtained. Should be discarded from all high-calorie foods and try to eat healthy.

Two or three times per week to do wraps. Apply to hip slimming cream or firming agent, adding a couple of drops of essential oil of citrus. Next, wrap the usual plastic wrap. A top wear warm clothes.

Instead, you can use honey cream diluted lemon juice, cosmetic clay, essential oils. In order to achieve results, it is necessary to follow a policy of at least 15-20 procedures.

Of course, the main struggle for slim hips is a sport. Make a habit of walking every day for at least 2 kilometers. This is the easiest, but at the same time and the most effective way to make the hip less.

Twice a week Exercise. Stand beside the chair, holding his hands behind his back. Raise by one leg to the side. Do not forget when doing this exercise to maintain a level posture.

Effective exercises are also considered attacks. Stand up straight, alternating lunges on each leg. To enhance the effect of the training can take up to dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg. Else you can do kicks, trying to raise them as high as possible.

Only regular classes help make your thighs smaller. And to keep the result, make a permanent lifestyle. And you no longer have to worry about its proportions.

Tags: image, life, hip, load, small