How to make elastic buttocks and get rid of cellulite

How to make elastic buttocks and get rid of cellulite
 Improper diet, health problems and a sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that the figure ceases to be toned and slim. When muscles become flabby buttocks and covered with "orange peel", women are sounding the alarm, intending to return the elastic rounded forms, go on a diet. However, it often has the opposite effect - sagging buttocks. To give them a perfect shape, in addition to a balanced diet, regular physical exercise and beauty treatments.

Physical exercise: exercise for the buttocks of cellulite

A wonderful way to make a firmer ass and get rid of fat on the buttocks is aqua aerobics. The high effectiveness of such training is achieved by the fact that the huge burden that is on the muscles, hardly felt in the water. Aqua aerobics in conjunction with proper nutrition in a couple of months will bring tangible results.

To consolidate the results achieved with aqua aerobics, give up the elevator: go up and down the stairs on foot.

To make the buttocks round and high, close enjoy a traditional aerobics, fitness club. Excess zhirok vyzhmut of you intense exercise performed at a good pace. To buttocks steel steel a month, ask for help in the creation of individual program activities to the competent coach.

In free fitness aerobics days train the glutes at home, with classes for half an hour.

Make perfect buttocks help training on simulators. To do this, suitable trainers started to train the lower body: for flexion and extension legs, bench press, strengthen the thighs and calf muscles. All of them allow you to work from the bottom and achieve maximum impact sports for a short time. In addition, exercise at the gym will help get rid of cellulite.


Sitting on a diet, remember the cardinal rule: eat often and should be in moderation. The diet should be less fat and more green vegetables. The last meal should be no later than 18 hours.

If being on a diet, you may want to have unbearably late evening snack apple, drink herbal tea.

Note that long-term low-fat diet often leads to various violations of the body, resulting in, for example, hair loss, menstrual disorders, the appearance of dry skin. Therefore overstayers on such a diet is recommended to take every day for fish oil capsules and multivitamins.

Beauty treatments

Just as in the case with the diet, the effect of cosmetic procedures will be achieved only in the case of parallel execution of physical exercises, as the procedures affect the skin without pulling the muscle.

Good effect on the skin of the buttocks have different wraps. Nutrients penetrate into the deeper layers, burn fat, improve blood circulation and give the skin smoothness and elasticity. Resorting to the wrapping, do not forget to first apply a lot of used on a small patch of skin to check for allergic reactions.

Tags: buttocks, load, cellulite