Exercises for weight loss: exercise every day

Exercises for weight loss: exercise every day
 Those who want to lose weight, does not necessarily exhaust yourself hours of training. To gradually get rid of fat around the waist, hips, arms and buttocks, will be enough to devote 10-15 minutes daily simple exercises for weight loss.
 Exercise for weight loss is best to engage in the morning to finally wake up and vivacity for the whole day. An additional advantage of morning exercises becomes the fact that it is carried out on an empty stomach. This makes the set of exercises easier to perform and allows to achieve the best results. Catching up on a daily basis, you will be able to gradually develop strength and flexibility, and therefore eventually be able to replace the simple exercises more challenging and effective.

As a warm-up, try to make a "wave". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands pull apart. First, follow the undulations alternately right and left hand. Then imagine that the motion is passed from one hand to the other through the shoulders and back, make a "wave" continuous. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times, add the slopes of the right and left, swaying movement of hands. And, finally, begin to bend your knees soft spring. Such swinging very helpful for your entire body.

When you have finished the exercise, rest a few seconds. Then start to rotate the pelvis, trying to "draw a" big circle in the air. Gather in the stomach, tighten your abs and follow the rotation in one direction and then the other. Do exercise 10-15 times, stand up straight and put his hand on her stomach. Slowly squat, bending your knees and trying to feel how tense your abs. Then, just as slowly rise gradually relaxing the stomach.

Get on all fours. Take a deep breath and gently lean at the same time, trying to take the shoulders back and chest stick out ahead. Then, as you exhale, bend the back, tighten and gather in the stomach with his head down. Perform this exercise 7-10 times, never for a moment forgetting to move in time with your breathing. Then, still on all fours, try to bend the leg, holding it in the air, and touch the knee of the nose. Initially, this exercise may seem difficult, but with each passing day, it will give you all the easier.

And finally, finally, stand up straight, take a deep breath, slowly lift your hands up and stand on your toes, straining thighs and pulling the stomach. Then exhale lower your arms and stand on the foot. Repeat 4-5 times, and gymnastics will be finished.

Tags: weight, exercise, weight loss, gymnastics