Metabolic disorder each person can take place in different ways, in fact and the reasons for this deviation can be anything.
The main symptoms of metabolic disorders:
• Sudden weight gain;
• Tooth decay;
• Change the color of the skin;
• Violation of the intestine (diarrhea or constipation);
• Shortness of breath;
• Problems with hair and nails, a violation of their structure;
• There is also a featured metabolic concerns and swelling.
Many women who noticesymptoms of metabolic disordersIn particular, overweight, decided to cleanse the body on its own. JustLady strongly advised to self: consult a doctor before taking any measures.
Why metabolic disorder requires medical supervision? The fact that these disorders primarily affect the processes associated with fats. Liver fat can not be processed in its entirety, so the body is the accumulation of cholesterol and low density lipoproteins. These materials begin to settle on vessel walls. As a result - and vegetative development of heart disease. Therefore, if there issigns of metabolic disordersThen you should immediately consult with a specialist. Indeed, in the early stages is much easier to be treated, as everybody knows.
What is the cause metabolic disorders?
Reasons for this are many, and many of them have not even been studied. This violation may result in dysfunction of the sex glands, thyroid, pituitary, adrenal glands. General health and proper metabolism in particular also depends on the person's lifestyle and of course diet. Thus, the overall balance of the system may be impaired due to excessive power or, conversely, fasting.
The most common causes of metabolic disorders include unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse, low physical activity.
The realities of our time is that sometimes the man himself to blame for the fact that his body violations occur. So when a person knowingly oversaturates your diet heavy, very high-calorie food, it risks disrupt your metabolism. Risk group also includes people who smoke, consume alcohol, are inactive lifestyle. Metabolic disorder can cause lack of exercise, stress, sleep disorders, unbalanced diet, insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.Signs of metabolic disorders and may indicate the presence of any disease. Metabolic disorder can be caused by hereditary factors, and to be acquired. Whatever it was, an endocrinologist necessarily need to address.
How is a metabolic disorder
Unfortunately, this process is quite complicated. If the violation is caused by genetic factors, the treatment is more complex, requiring constant medical supervision. If the violation of purchase, in the initial stages to eliminate the violation of a lot easier. The main thing that a person must do the treatment - normalization of diet, nutrition. To begin to decrease the amount of carbohydrates and fats, it is desirable to have more, but smaller. That is to divide the amount of food a person receives at a time, into several smaller portions.
Signs of metabolic disorders people may find after suffering stress. It is clear that in order to normalize the metabolism, you need to start to normalize their mental state. A major role in the treatment of disorders plays a good sleep, so it is imperative that people kept sleep. And, of course, can not do without exercise. Due to the regular sports training the body begins to spend more energy, and as a result, excess fat begins to burn.
Thus, need not themselves treatsigns of metabolic disordersAnd start with the reasons that led to it. It is important that the treatment includes the whole range of measures to achieve a really good result.
JustLady reminds you that the restoration of normal metabolism you need to do immediately when foundsymptoms of metabolic disorders. Otherwise advanced disease can lead to obesity or other dangerous health consequences. It is advisable to consult a dietitian who will help to make a reasonable diet and treatment plan. The main thing - do not run the disease and not to self-medicate. Of course, at first it will be difficult, because the need to change lifestyles and radically change your diet, and how sometimes hard to give up your favorite goodies. But now, health is much more important, especially since there is a huge selection of healthy and delicious foods at least. God bless you!
Alice Terentyeva