Mystery and romance of the watery abyss

Mystery and romance of the watery abyss
 Waterworld always beckoned. Since ancient times, the seas and oceans are a source of new knowledge, the link between the two countries, and the water world has given the world a hundred legends and myths. For example, the famous story of the ship "The Flying Dutchman". This legend served as material for writing the famous German opera composer Richard Wagner in 1841. And, despite the fact that a man far advanced in the study and development of the water element in our time, many mysteries of the oceans remain unsolved and there is a part where the man had never been.

Many mysteries, legends and myths about the water element associated with maritime disasters. Perhaps the most puzzling still is the Sargasso Sea, the famous Bermuda Triangle. Christopher Columbus, the first of the explorers who crossed this part of the Atlantic, the area seemed shrouded in mystery. In his diary referred to the anomalous behavior of the compass, an unusual glow of the sea. To this day, this area is a very bad reputation. But not only the legends and myths are a source of conversation. Often the topic are all kinds of natural disasters: tsunamis, storms, storms. Such a clear demonstration of the unpredictable forces of whimsical elements makes helpless humanity devastating scale of destruction. Newest striking example is the tsunami that struck northeastern Japan March 11, 2011. According to media reports, the death toll in the crash was 13 thousand 895 people listed as missing 13 thousand 864 people.

But, of course, at the mention of the sea, ocean or lake just the first thing that comes to mind - it's not a disaster, but amazing, diverse underwater world with its unique landscape and the inhabitants. One of the greatest natural wonders is the Great Barrier Reef, which stretches along the east coast of Australia. Its length is more than 2000 km. It includes about 300 islands and reefs in 2900. The most surprising thing is that it is composed of all living beings - coral polyps that live in colonies and form a reef. This live reef is a product of the millennial formation of polyps. It is home to 1,500 species of exotic fish, a variety of colors and patterns. Found refuge here several species of whales, sea turtles and about 240 species of aquatic and marine birds that nest on sandy coral islands of the Great Barrier Reef. The bottom of the sea in addition to a flat surface ocean contains volcanoes, mountains, as well as depression. Depressions or trenches with steep steep slopes reach depths of hundreds to thousands of kilometers. Perhaps the most famous depression is the Mariana Trench, located in the Pacific Ocean and has a depth of 11 km 22 m. It was discovered by a Soviet vessel "Vityaz", to conduct research in this area of ​​the ocean. For a long time it was believed that at these depths can not survive living organisms, but scientists have proved that there is in absolute darkness inhabited by marine animals.

To appreciate the beauty of the underwater world, there is the easiest way - diving. Diving - is scuba diving. The most famous centers of the world are diving in Egypt, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Philippines, Australia, Greece. The ocean contains many memorable, inexplicable, is a source of joy and misery, but without it can not do any of global processes on Earth.

Tags: turtle, peace, mystery, romantic, an abyss, the world, the myth, the ocean