How to learn to do a side flip

How to learn to do a side flip
 In the circus or the arena is often necessary to see how skilled gymnasts perform flips in the air. Flip can be done not only with the horizontal bar on the bar or on the way to the trapeze to trapeze, but also to run and from the place. To learn how to perform side flip, you must remember and keep exactly the sequence of actions.
 Choose a spacious place and spread mats. Decide which way you will be more convenient to perform the rotation. Most often it is made in the same direction as the wheel.

Before you start doing a somersault, be sure to get your hands on a good run and push as for beginners to perform reception places will be extremely difficult. When the run is enough to accelerate to normal speed of your running.

Once the momentum, must be properly push off from the ground. Point Leap approximately at 60 degrees relative to the ground. Left leg in front of repulsion put on the heel and perform roll-to-toe. In this formulation, the right swing will certainly be better and longer push.

Finish swing right - bending at the knee. This contributes to the more rapid and early maha group.

The most difficult part of the element - the rotation. Once you push away from the ground as soon as possible take the group. This means that it is necessary to bend the knees and pressed them to his chest. Hands at the same time you can put on your knees, under them, or not to do.

Can resort to the help of a friend to master the rotation group. He must bend over and get a running start on the line. Try the roll through it, taking the group. The main task here - to learn as little as possible to touch his assistant. Over time, the rotation will go so far without it.

On landing put your feet on the ground or the floor firmly. If you get them to relax as soon as you touch the surface, there is a risk that you can fall sick. First straighten centrifugal leg, and as we move forward that which performs push.

To facilitate orientation in space at the start of longer look forward somersault, and then turn your head so to see the floor in front of him. Remember that early turn of the head can be an obstacle in the implementation of admission.

Tags: Flip, Flip