How to learn to do a somersault

How to learn to do a somersault
 Despite the seeming ease, the right to perform a somersault, not everyone can. This requires not only the minimum physical fitness, but also a great sense of his own body, complementing development of the vestibular apparatus. In addition, there are many variants element pursuing very different goals.
 In order to develop coordination and prepare to flip best fit front, rear and "lateral" somersaults.
Front turn passes in a straight line through the head. Your goal in this case - to reach the minimum distance of a roll, ie, shrink as much as possible. Squat, put your hands in front of him and press his head as much as possible to the chest. Slightly push the legs and then tighten them to him: the better the group, the more likely that you will have enough inertia to make a full turn.

Somersault back almost mirrors the front, with the only difference being that you need to take away his head sideways to avoid damage to the neck. Being in full squat, just relax, and you pull back. As soon as you touch the shoulder of the earth, away; his hands back for secure and additional push, and then press to his feet.

Side somersault prepares you for the "Arab" somersault. Squatting, display one of the legs (what you prefer) to the side. Now a quick motion, move the weight on it and push the second leg, and then tighten it to yourself. After going through the entire back, you will be back in the starting position. By and large, this movement is absolutely similar to what you will do with the Arab somersault.

If you need a roll to perform on a solid surface (depreciation falls from a height), it is better to use the "army" embodiment. It lies in the fact that before tumbling both hands deflected in the same direction: for example, if you will withdraw your right hand to the left, then the right shoulder will yield further, allowing you kuvyrknutsya through it, avoiding contact with the ground head. Please note that with this flip-flop can fight off three "bulging" knuckles: on the shoulder, spine and lower back (diagonal line tumbling passes through the back). The ability to avoid hitting them in the rotation comes only with experience.

Tags: shoulder roll, parkour, somersault, acrobatics