How to get in shape for the week

How to get in shape for the week
 The path to harmony, it usually takes a very long time. However, life often there are situations when the get in shape must be just a week. If you have so little time, do not despair: become thinner and more beautiful in just a few days is quite real.
 Become full of ladies with curvaceous shapely lady in just one week is impossible. However, to become a little thinner and gain confidence in themselves - is quite real. Do not place in front of impossible tasks. Proceed according to plan, enjoying the process itself.

Each morning begins with Bodyflex. This simple system has the effect of even a week classes, provided that all the exercises are performed correctly. Then move on to the contrast soul. It not only helps you finally wake up, but also stimulates blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic.

After the shower, use a cream with anti-cellulite and firming effect. Of course, expect miracles from cosmetics is not necessary. Yet most of the drugs smooth the skin and help remove excess fluid.

Any physical activity almost does not make sense, if you continue to eat properly. At the same time, extreme diets in which you really can lose a few pounds in a short time - a real blow to the body. Prefer a more healthy diet. For visible changes enough to reduce the amount of portions and not overeat. Also, try to minimize the use of salt. With this method, the body will indicate excess fluid and your body will become more visually slim.

For more intensive weight loss resort to one of the salon procedures, such as lymphatic drainage, algonizatsiya, LPG or vacuum massage. Many people believe that these methods provide only a temporary result. However, the effect of such procedures become evident immediately and at repetition rates kept for a long time. Not less effective and vacuum simulators, so that you can lose weight with a minimum of effort.

Your way to harmony escort and other changes that lift your mood. For example, update a haircut or buy new fashion items. Let these pleasant moments will be a reward for your work on a weekly.

Tags: shape, weight, Week