How to wear a scarf with a coat

How to wear a scarf with a coat
 Scarf not only warms and protects against wind, it also can change the image, style of clothing. In combination with a coat scarf can look stylish, elegant, fashionable, traditionally. This accessory is loved by many, and this is understandable - it is universal, and you can choose the model under a coat of any style and color.
 Ways of tying a scarf a lot. The easiest - to throw it on his shoulders and leave loose ends hang on to his breast. So you can wear the scarf if Eton collar coat, or you often wear clothes open.

If the coat closed, and the collar is designed as a rack, you can throw a scarf on the neck ends at the back, and then throw both ends of the forward and tie them in a loose knot or left free. In this way, it is more convenient to tie scarves lush, but light, as they must create volume at the neck, but do not burden the chest.

Scharf, which is used as protection from the cold has to be long and thick - it should be wrapped around the neck as many times as sufficient for length. If slightly lower a little scarf tied in such a way that it can be worn with a coat-style casual - free and unfettered choice.

Very popular "French" site - it is worn over a coat and tie on a bare neck. Scarf should be long enough, short models will not work. Fold it exactly in half, wrap in such a way around the neck and pull the loose parts in a loop at the opposite end. Tighten the knot, but not much - ends can be hidden under clothing, or let out.

Scarf tied over his chest in a simple knot - so you can wear this accessory if your coat decorated with fur collar and is made of a different material than the cloth coat. You can also tie a simple knot on the back as he tied for young children - if the ends of the scarf has pompons or brush, you'll look cute and original.

Short scarves knotted like scarves, and their ends are hidden under his coat. Another option of wearing a short scarf - over the main fabric wrapped around his neck, tie a small knot of the loose ends and move it to the side. If your scarf is triangular in shape, then tie it forward angle, covering his chest, and the free ends perekin'te on the back or leave it dangling in front.

If scarf thin, long and narrow, then wrap it around your neck and front tie an interesting site. The free ends may stick to the sides pert and can assemble them in still more nodes, one above the other.

Tags: scarf, shawl, coat, fashion, collar, tying