How to sew a Russian folk sundresses

How to sew a Russian folk sundresses
 Russian word "word", oddly enough, nature is foreign. Comes word from the Iranian language and means "fully dressed". However, the people of Iran to submit to the sundress is quite difficult. But the Russian woman has not even last century, it is possible. Today the love of folk sundress again revived. So make their dreams more and more handy people. Especially because it is not so difficult.
 To sundress looked beautiful and rich, pay much attention to the search for materials. In Russia, usually clothes made of 100% linen. Therefore, it is renowned for its natural. Since all natural search today - a kind of trend, then a linen sundress is an original addition to the wardrobe.

Before starting work, remove the measurements. You need them only three - chest girth, length floor of chest and length from shoulder to the chest. Now you can begin to build a pattern. Pattern Russian national sundress is quite simple. Draw a large rectangle, the height of which will be equal to the length of the product, and the width - poluobhvatu under the breast. Do not forget to leave the seam allowances - see 4.

The next step - Pattern top. To do this, draw a trapezoid height equal to the distance from the top of the chest to the start line sundress hem. The sides of her round off at the armhole. Finally, build the pattern straps. This strip of any width that you want. Its length is equal to the measure from the shoulder to the beginning of the chest, multiplied by 2. Plus, leave allowances for seams.

Transfer the pattern on the fabric and cut out details. Each of them should be in an amount of 2 pieces. You can start sewing. First, shoot straps. Treat edge pristrochite braid or satin that you like, and put them aside.

Then fold the upper part of the product to each other, right sides and gently pristrochite them through the armholes. Then place the straps between the top and sew them. Remove the inside out.

Go to work with a skirt. Likewise, fold the front side to each other and pristrochite. On one side do not bring the top seam to the end of centimeters by 10. This you will need to sew zippers. Determine in advance the fabric under the folds. Put them in different directions at the same distance. Then connect the upper and lower part of the sundress, baste them together, and Stitch. Bottom of products processed, decorate it and taped or satin ribbons Sew the zipper. Can make decoration also at the junction of the upper part of sundresses and skirts. Russian national sundress ready. We can only think of you, what shirt you wear underneath your dress.

If you want a lush sundress, then take it into account when cutting the fabric and take plenty of material. In old sewing sundress could take up to 7 meters of linen.

Tags: Russian, sundress, Russian