How to get rid of the salt on shoes

How to get rid of the salt on shoes
 Modern winter is particularly detrimental effect on shoes. They are unstable today may be an unusual frost or snow, and tomorrow all the snow easily turn into dirty slush soaked in brine, which utilities generously flavored with slippery roads. How can extend the life of loved ones, and not cheap shoes or boots? On this issue, our women more than one year break their heads.
 To ensure good care of your existing winter or autumn boots, you should still buy at least one pair of shoes. With only one set, it is difficult to dry it for a night in the wild. And if you do not you do something no matter how high quality your boots were originally soon their skin, like any natural material, will be quickly absorb moisture. Boots will get wet and lose its shape.

Shoes to serve as long as possible after purchase well deal with it mud and water-repellent spray. The first time to spray it until the skin absorbs means. After further processing of such salt will affect the shoes less.

You can buy at the store some special tool, which is indicated on the label that it helps to fight with salt. It really should help, but if you do not take other measures, an absolute guarantee of getting rid of salt means will not.

Therefore, train yourself immediately after coming home to wipe shoes wet, then dry cloth. Carefully check the bends and joints, remaining in them salt. That it does not spoil the skin, it should be cleaned out.

If you notice the salt stains, they should be wiped with a solution of vinegar and water. To make it, you need to take two parts water and one - vinegar. Wet the cloth and rubbed small areas of shoes where settled salt. When the deal with it, polish the surface with a soft cloth and allow to dry shoes. It is possible that salt tread again, and then you have the procedure repeated cleaning with vinegar.

If you have shoes made of suede, try to remove the salt with a damp cloth, but should not be this much wet material and leave it on the cloth. If you have a special cleaning spray for suede and nubuck, you can use it and a sponge, which comes complete with spray. But first rub saline place a rubber brush, and then later on the blowing sponge spray.

After cleaning the salt boots or shoes put out to dry. To facilitate this procedure, there are special appliances, which provide gentle heat. But you can do the usual newsprint: it firmly tamp his shoes and as wetting replace dry.

Soften dried out shoes try castor oil, glycerine or petroleum jelly. By the way, shoe polish, as part of which contains alcohol, it is not worth buying. Polishing shoes should be good creams with wax or silicone.

Tags: Shoes, shoes, salt, care, disposal