How to clean the fur collar

How to clean the fur collar
 During the long fur socks soiled and lose the original appearance. This is especially true for white clothes. Each time not to spend money on dry cleaners can clean the fur at home.
 Fur collar can be cleaned with soapy water. In a separate container, pour the warm water and add a little shampoo or other mild detergent solution. Take a good look at its structure - it should not contain coloring and bleaching agents. Dampen a sponge in the solution and the press. Then repeatedly wipe the fur in the direction of hair growth. Rinse pile of soap with a damp cloth. Put the product on a flat surface away from radiators. When the fur is completely dry, take a comb with a few teeth and carefully comb the pile.

Buy in store for pets hardwood sawdust. Put them in a bowl and soak unleaded petrol. Put the collar on a flat surface and clean sawdust. When gasoline is completely erode, take a brush for clothes and shake off dust. When working with gasoline, it is desirable to fresh air and keep away from sources of ignition.

Clean dirt from the fur collar is possible by means of adsorbent - potato starch, semolina or talc. These substances have a porous structure, so effectively remove dust and dirt street. Place the product on a flat surface and sprinkle with the adsorbent. Then gently brush the fur hands as if erased. Shake powder brush for clothes or vacuuming. If the collar is very dirty, repeat the procedure from the beginning.

If the collar of white fur yellowed, use of 3% hydrogen peroxide. A glass of water, take 2 teaspoons of peroxide. Dampen a cotton swabs obtained solution, wring out and put on the teeth. Comb your collar and put in the sun.

In addition, bring a bottle in the order can be "old-fashioned" method, which is based on an optical illusion. In bowl, pour warm water and add a small amount of methylene blue so that eventually turned pale blue solution. Deal ends fur foam sponge soaked in a liquid.

Tags: fur collar