How to clean the coat at home

How to clean the coat at home
 Proper and regular maintenance of the coat will prolong its life. The easiest way to clean the product - give it to the dry cleaners. But keep in mind that due to professional cleaning coat can wear out quickly. Much safer, easier and cheaper to do it at home.
 For everyday cleaning, use a coat clothes brush or roller with masking tape, so the product will always look clean and fresh. To spend more global clean, read the information on the label coat. There should be a guide for the care and caution. They depend on the material from which made the thing. For example, cashmere coat is machine washable at saving mode (water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees). Suede coat should be handled carefully, this delicate material easily spoil. People are very common way to clean suede using crumb. You can use a special device-steam cleaner or just hold a coat over the steam, which is perfectly removes gray powder. Other fabrics can be cleaned with conventional detergents, they moisten the sponge. You also need to occasionally wipe a damp cloth coat, then dry. Overcoat is advisable not to try to clean at home.

When cleaning, pay great attention to the collar, pockets, edges of sleeves and elbows - contamination at these sites occur more frequently. If the coat has a fatty traces or stains from food use to remove them special facilities (pre-read the instructions carefully and try on another piece of matter) or alcohol. Put a polluted place folded several times a cotton cloth lining fight back if it is. Moisten a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and rub the stain. Sprinkle talcum powder and leave it for a day. After clean talc with a stiff brush. The spot should be cleaned from the edges to the center, so as not to increase it.

Fresh stains can be removed with a coat using a paper towel and iron. Place the napkin on the trail of the two sides and iron until it disappears. If necessary, change the napkins. If the coat has a greasy place, make a solution of ammonia salt or take a clean gasoline. To clear a spot gasoline, soak them dirty place, sprinkle with salt and wipe with a sponge. Then shake the salt and brush. Tea stains can be removed with a solution of ammonia and glycerol (4: 1). Wine stains are derived salt - sprinkle her dirty place and rinse with cold water.

Tags: domestic, condition, coat, care, cleaning