How to clean a fur coat mutonovuyu

How to clean a fur coat mutonovuyu
 Mutonovaya coat with proper care is able to last for many years. It is necessary at the end of the winter season to remove stains and clean the fur from street dirt and dust. There are some simple ways in which you can return the coat presentable.
 Mutonovuyu coat can be cleaned wheat bran - they are freely sold in pharmacies as well as in dietary departments of supermarkets and are inexpensive. Put the bran into the pan and heat. That they are not burnt, periodically stir. Then pour them into a fur coat, spread on a flat surface. Take the brush and clean the fur along the growth direction of the nap.

Potato starch adsorbs dirt without damaging the product. Evenly sprinkle it on the pile and rub hands. Then remove the starch with a vacuum cleaner, to which you want to put a small nozzle. If necessary, repeat the steps again.

Mutonovuyu coat can be cleaned with warm soapy water. Choose a mild detergent, such as soap, "Baby", or shampoo. Dampen a sponge in the solution and thoroughly clean the fur. Then wipe clean with a damp cloth coat. Hang the product on a hanger and dry. Mutonovuyu coat need to dry at room temperature away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Gently comb the nap using the comb with a few teeth blunt.

If the coat is very dirty, clean it in the following way. Buy a pet store sawdust and pour them into a separate container. Soak unleaded petrol and mix. Spread a coat and sprinkle it with wet sawdust. Then take the brush and clean the product, acting on the direction of growth of the pile. This procedure to perform better in the fresh air and away from sources of ignition to avoid fire.

Clear mutonovuyu coat of grease stains will help a mixture of water, vinegar and a 10% solution of ammonia, taken in equal proportions. Moisten a cotton or gauze in the resulting liquid and wipe contamination of areas of fur. Then rinse with a damp cloth and dry the product. Stains can be removed foundation dishwashing liquid or ethyl alcohol.

Tags: fur coat