How to return to the store shoes

How to return to the store shoes
 Even the most careful and meticulous buyer can make a mistake with the choice of goods, especially shoes. The store is difficult to see all the defects of boots or shoes, to predict how they are comfortable and durable, check their quality. If, after you purchase something not satisfied, you can return the shoes to the store.
 Read the warranty period shoes - within the specified time, you can return it. Do not forget that the seasonal goods, this period may begin at a certain time of the year. For example, if you buy the sandals, the warranty period will begin in the summer. This can be clarified in the store. Do not forget to pick up the box and check the signature of the seller - when you return it is desirable to carry along with dry and clean shoes. But according to the law, you can return the shoes even if you have not kept the original packaging, or lost check. In this case, you need to remember the date of purchase.

Houses carefully inspect and try on shoes again. If you have something does not suit, for example, it is not suitable for clothing, shakes or just inconvenient, you can on the same day to return it without statements and explanations. Within two weeks, can be returned to the store a couple of unworn, specify one of the following reasons: the product is not suitable for color, size, style, complete. Also during this time can be returned to commodity manufacturing defect.

If in the process of socks showed marriage: cracked soles, sold seam, you have the right to return the goods, writing a statement in duplicate and stating the reason. After that, send a couple of shop for examination to determine who is responsible for the damage - the producer or buyer. The statement says the period of consideration of shoes, after which you need to come to the store and see the results of the examination. If proven manufacturing defect, you will be offered money or another pair. The difference in price will be charged.

If the result of the examination showed your guilt, the store can not take the shoes back. But if you want you have the right to make an examination of their own, find another specialist. In this case, you have to pay for the service. You can attend in person during the inspection of shoes and even record the process on video. If the expert to refute your guilt, the store will be obliged to reimburse the costs of the examination. Take a copy of the opinion and contact your dealer.

There is such a practice, when the store is offering discounted shoes with marriage. You can not return it if you were warned about the defects. Otherwise, feel free to contact the seller, even if you do not keep a check - the law on consumer protection on your side.

Tags: store goods, shoes