How to remove calluses on the heels

How to remove calluses on the heels
 Corn on the heel - a common phenomenon, especially in the summer. New shoes or sandals plus heat - and that corn is already here. With all its consequences - pain and the inability to move freely. Therefore, the need to quickly heal the corn and remove the heel. But here's how to do it?  
 Calluses on the heels significantly complicate the lives of their owners, as to go with them is difficult. Furthermore, they can become inflamed, tampering and cause infection if they are not properly processed.

If you have a heel formed corn, wash the affected area with warm soapy water and gently blot. Thereafter, antibacterial cream may be applied as much as possible and does not close, providing air access. Of course, if you have somewhere to go, you will have to cover the heel calluses. This is best done with a bandage on the wound causing pre-cream with antibacterial effect. In order not to irritate the damaged area of ​​skin you have to wear shoes that does not have backs or enclose the insole.

Be sure to watch as the corn is healing, and whether it heals all. If you find that it is inflamed, became more ill, there was blood, then you should not delay, visit the doctor. Open blisters on their own can not, especially for people with diabetes, because the risk of serious consequences.

After drying the corn should be removed. To do this, prepare a special solution. Pour into a small bowl of hot water, put there by tablespoon baking soda and liquid soap. Rasparte in the prepared solution dry corn. You can then attach to it the following packs:
- Fresh conifer resin (any). Top stick adhesive tape. Procedure must be repeated for 2-3 days. Then you can easily cut the corn.

- Lemon peel with pulp. Attach it to the night to corn. Do this requires two or three days in a row. After that the build-up can safely cut.

- Raw potatoes (1 piece), grated on a fine grater. This mush impose on corn and tight bandage. After a few days of regularly scheduled procedures corn can be gently removed.

Tags: heel

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