Hair loss after childbirth: the care and treatment

Hair loss after childbirth: the care and treatment
 Most young mothers worried about the problem of hair loss. This is not surprising, because after 9 months of waiting, the increase in volumes especially want to feel attractive. You longingly remember her beautiful hair during pregnancy. What is the cause of rapid hair loss, you need to understand.

Do not be scared, because such a situation occurs in every woman's life after birth. The fact that the increased levels of hormones during pregnancy did not allow hair to fall out at the right time. After your baby is born, your body began to come to you in the usual state. At this point, all the hair that could not fall in the allotted time, die. So, you lose them.

Explanation as to why so many drops of hair is very simple. During the first 9 months of 50-60% of your hair should have been updated. But instead of gradual change happens quickly.

Typically, the restoration of your hair has to go 6-9 months. During this time, the body's hormones return to normal. If during this time the situation has not changed for the better, you need to consult a dermatologist. Most likely, you do not have enough iron and other substances necessary for hair growth.

In this case it is necessary to enrich the organism in vitamins and hair hold restorative procedure. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, seafood and nuts, and drink green tea. If you are breastfeeding, take a multivitamin complexes for nursing mothers.

Try to limit mechanical damage to the hair, avoid tight hair, use a hair dryer and hair iron. Keep the combs. Be careful with wet hair - they are extremely easy to damage.

Hair care, try to use infusions and decoctions of herbs. Very good action renders the use of burdock oil. Do not forget that in any treatment is necessary to comply with the regular procedure, otherwise they will not make sense.

If you do not want to wait, do her hair, hides a small amount of hair, consult a good hairdresser.

Tags: hair, kind of ambassador, care, loss, treatment

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