The best posture for conception

The best posture for conception
 Do you think that children - the color of life, and you it's time to grow them? Women's magazine JustLady tell its readers about how to speed up the process. As it turns out, ingenuous formula - to conceive naturally, you need to have sex with a man - is complemented by a number of factors that affect the result. And if you wait a few months, two cherished strips, try to consider them as well. Nothing complicated here: we need only pay attention to exactly how, in what positions and in what time you have sex with her husband. The long-awaited results - Conception - depends on the number of sexual acts, and even posture. Naturally, a woman can get pregnant in any position, but if a couple is dreaming of the fruit of their love, they can help themselves to an expected event happened quickly. Let's talk today about what posture is better for the child's conception.

How often and at what time

Planning couples are encouraged to maintain a regular sex life, the best - in a day. Particularly good time - 5 days before ovulation and after 1 day. A woman should keep calendars on which she will celebrate auspicious days for conception. It is desirable to have sex at a time when sperm are particularly active - it's about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Prerequisite - do just what you like. If someposes for conception do not bring you any pleasure, you should not practice them. Remember that you should not be nervous, under stress, because stress - this is the first enemy when planning pregnancy. Due to stress a woman stops to experience sexual desire, as well as reduced chances of conceiving. No need to hurry up and perceive sex as a necessary work for conception. JustLady recommends that you do not use artificial replacement of grease, because it contains substances that destroy sperm or impede their progress.

The best posture for conception

Basic advice on whatposes for conception the best, based on the simple laws of physics - about the law of universal gravitation known even by those who are far from exact sciences. Choosingposes for conceptionBetter to abandon those in which sperm will leak. Your task is to as much sperm were able to "fight" for the championship. And in such positions, such as the woman on top, the sperm will inevitably follow, which will reduce the chances of the sperm to carry out his bounden duty.

So what posture to emphasize? In principle, any suit in which the sperm at the time of ejaculation is easy to fall into the uterus and continue their journey to the egg. This does not exclude others, but before ejaculation is better to change posture to the one in which the male member and the uterus are close together, which will significantly increase the chances of conception. One of the most popular item for conception - woman underneath. Another contributing to the goal - the man behind the woman, the woman in this case can lie on your side or kneeling.

Thus, by choosingbest poses for conceptionRemember that the ideal - it is those in which the sperm will not follow after the completion of intercourse.

By the way, the chances of successful conception and rapid increased in women who are aware of their physiological features. For example, some women experience bending uterine cervix others may be located just above the uterus. In the first case it is recommended Bozeman posture, in the second - a woman on her back, man on top.

We can also cite as an example and folk beliefs. However, they are not scientifically proven, but still .... So, there are rumors that in the classic pose "man on top" most girls are conceived in the knee-elbow - boys.

What to do after sex

Relax, relax, cuddle with my husband, it's the best time for caresses and romantic conversations. It is advisable not to run directly into the bath for half an hour and just relax with your loved one. Many women believe that to great effect immediately after sex you need to stand in a pose birch to "send" sperm. However, this seems to be sheer nonsense - after sex, and this, after all, physical exercise, you want to relax and not get up on his head or lift up his legs to the ceiling. And not all women can boast of acrobatic stretching, but because these poses can respond back pain. If you still believe that it is better to help the sperm in their "big race" that enclose the pillow under his buttocks, and this would be sufficient.

The best posture for conception based on physiological characteristics

• If a woman has an inflammation of the ovaries, the uterus can be turned to the side, then you need to chooseposition for conceptionIn which the woman will lie on the side where the uterus is rotated.
• If the uterus is normal, it is possible under the buttocks pillow, squeeze your knees to your chest and your feet lift.
• If the uterus is bent, it is desirable to lay on my stomach.

It is not recommended to do when planning

It is better not to have sex in a hot bathroom, especially in the bath. The same goes for sex in a filled bath basin. So it will be much harder to achieve this goal.

And finally, most importantly, what I want to say. It is clear that you are dreaming about the kid and all their efforts are directed at it. Yet it is not necessary to dwell on it, because you make love with someone you love, and do not perform the work plan. Whateverposes for conception you choose, just have fun on the proximity of her husband. After all, you want to conceive a child when experiencing positive emotions? The more gentle, sincere and reverent will your relationship, the better for you and your unborn baby!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, uterus, sex, period, conception, posture, child, bend, day, birch

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