How to download press simulator

How to download press simulator
 Adjust its shape is always possible with the help of exercise. You can study at home alone or to attend gyms, but in any case you need to know how to properly and most efficiently achieve the desired results.
 Catching up on the power simulator or using dumbbells, you need to carefully approach the selection of weight, especially if you are just starting out.

Rectus abdominis, which is located along the front wall of the peritoneum, swinging flexion of the trunk in the supine position. In this case, the hands should be reserved for a head. You can vary this exercise and perform it, hanging on the bar - in this case, lift up the legs. If you do not have much experience, exercises to perform better at the gym, having a support wall for the back.

Oblique muscles responsible for lateral support of the peritoneum, swinging in a similar way, but in this case when the bending of the torso or leg lifts must simultaneously perform rotary twisting motion.

Simulators that run exercises lying down, have the ability to adjust the load. At first, you should always start with small loads, gradually increasing them. When training on these simulators is important to know that the lower your shoulders relative to the knees, the more you load your abdominals. On such simulators are performed both options exercise - simply raising the body and lift with rotation. The rise of the body with the rotation is performed with a maximum amplitude of rotation - left elbow looks at his right knee and vice versa.

If the exercises are performed too quickly and you do not feel is making efforts to increase the time to load, otherwise the result will not be very noticeable.

Vertical simulators give more stress on the abdominal muscles than horizontal. To begin the exercise, you need to stand on a footstool, hands convenient to put on pads, grips and clasp brushes to lift the legs to a position to become a hip on a line perpendicular to the peritoneum. To slightly reduce the load, you can lift your legs bent at the knees. During the ascent exhale, legs hold in that position and then gently with a sigh, dip them in original condition. For uniform load and more efficient exercise it should be done slowly, slowly, paying maximum attention to the feeling of stress on your abdominal muscles.

Tags: press simulator

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