With negative calorie foods: myths and reality

 To get rid of excess weight people go to all: torturing exercise to sweat, take special pills, read the "miraculous" conspiracies and fast. However, some argue, it's all completely useless, because there is such a thing as a negative calorie foods. Today women's magazine JustLady try to figure out whether this really is.  

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Rumors aboutnegative calorie some products born, of course, not from scratch. All the matter in the wrong interpretation of the term. As you know, all the processes that occur in our bodies require energy, more simply, calorie consumption. Thus, in order to digest the food eaten, you are bound to spend a certain amount of the used calories.

There are products containing calories in very small quantities, their assimilation, however, also requires energy, as in any other case. After eating such a product and digest it, "bottom line" you will get almost zero calories. However, proponents of weight loss with the help ofnegative calorie foods inclined to say that you are free and uncontrolled eating whatever you want, supplementing the diet of such a wonderful product.

But the thing is that the negative calorie as such does not exist. The idea of ​​negative calorie, such a product has to digest, leaving no body no calories, and in addition also have to grab a good half eaten piece of cake in parallel.

Unfortunately this is not possible. On digestion of the confection, of course, leaves some of the calories, but their number is negligible compared with that left. Andfoods with negative calories you will not help.

Then maybe go on a diet of negative calorie foods? The idea is tempting, but unsafe. Options such diets exist, but all this short mono-diet, long-term use damaging the body.

Even if you have a huge amount of negative calorie foods, you do not reach the weight, but can not as it should be satisfied, and of course, your body will not be able to get the whole spectrum of nutrients that it needs.

This is understandable, because the negative calorie attributed mainly herbs, spices, herbs and vegetables. It is clear that it is almost impossible feels full. Negatives same proteins or fats (which are essential to us in moderation) is simply not found in nature.

Digesting these substances incomparably small loss, unlike acquisitions. Yes, their assimilation spent about a third of the total calories, and it's quite a lot, but the negative effect they can not give (you can not provide a product that needs to digest more than 100% of all received calories).

Do negative calorie theory can not bring any good? Can, of course, if you do not require her too much. You just need to fill your daily diet mainlynegative calorie productsBut do not give up completely from the rest, a reasonable, understandable quantities.

A simple example: you ate chicken breast, say, 200 calories and a piece of cake. From the breast you will have about 140 calories with cake worse: sugar - pure energy, her body will soon. A fat will send a vast reservoir - why would he mess around with them, it is enough sugar. And how much time and effort it will take to get the fat out of "reservists" and burn it? Yes, do not forget about eaten the breast, there is also something that is left.

And if you ate the same breast and cabbage salad of celery? The amount of calories from protein, we felt. A salad on digestion will take almost all of its calories. Thus, you only need a small run, and I think that you do not eat!

If the theorynegative calorie foods appeals to you, try to lose weight by eating foods that are attributed to such properties.

These include celery, grapefruit, cabbage salad and almost all vegetables. It is understood that they are not particularly get fat.

Isolated from green tea beverages. It is believed that the absorption of cups of green tea needed to spend about 60 calories. And, of course, entirely in terms of the negative calorie foods - plain water.

Of protein foods, as negative calorie fit, lean meat, poultry without skin and fat, lean fish. However, here the theorynegative calorie foods little slips. It is argued that these proteins are needed to build muscle, which burns fat work. This shows that eating a chicken breast for fat burning still need to work the muscles.

Herbs and spices. There are mainly triggered the factor that flavored food does not require dosalivaniya. If you eat a little salt, then do not drink too much water. Consequently, it does not stay in the body and does not slow down the carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

Spices also improve digestion and burning additives contribute to the development of heat, which really helps to further expend calories. However, everyone understands that a kilogram of chili pepper you will not be able to eat. As a sugar substitute used a spice like cinnamon. Quite acceptable option, given the differences in calorific value of these products.

As you can see, there are nonegative calorie foodsThat will neutralize the pizza and chips, and even more so to hunt for your honest accumulated fats, do not exist. But there is a healthy food, using which you can significantly reduce the calorie daily diet. And in combination with a moderate (or intensive) exercise significantly reduce weight without fasting.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: calorie, calories, cake, product, diet, slice, table, number, reality, myth, kalloriynost

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