As already mentioned, turpentine extracted from the resin of trees. Depending on the method of extraction of raw materials and material properties of turpentine are different and use it differently. For turpentine in the course are branches, trunks, needles and even stumps. Also different ways of allocating: dry distillation or steam, using gasoline as a solvent or the sulphate process. All this determines the properties of the material and its subsequent use. Also vary as a substance according to the type of wood.
Turpentine is used in the chemical industry, as solvent ink, and in veterinary medicine. Moreover, in medical applications may be used only gum turpentine. Get it by distillation with water vapor fresh resin. The main active ingredient of turpentine and -terpenoidy terepny, which have medicinal properties.
Even in ancient times turpentine used to treat wounds, burns, as a disinfectant. Modern surgeons use it for hand washing before surgery. After frostbite turpentine able to restore circulation in the damaged tissues. Turpentine extracted from fir also has antimicrobial properties, there are cases of its use in the treatment of gynecological diseases (erosion, mastitis).
Used for the manufacture of turpentine and ointments and other medical preparations for external application, intramuscular injection, and oral administration. Of active substances turpentine isolated vitamin A.
Knownhealing properties of turpentineProviding an expectorant action. It is used in inhalation sore throat, cough. Turpentine improves the secretory activity of the bronchi and promotes the excretion of mucus from the respiratory tract. It is also believed that inhaling the vapors of turpentine has a devastating impact on the causative agent of tuberculosis.
Medicinal properties of turpentine are widely used in the treatment of joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, lumbago and the like. Turpentine and used as a styptic.
Intramuscular and subcutaneous injection of turpentine help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin: acne, boils, dermatitis, abscesses, varicose veins.
Known procedure on the basis of turpentine baths are Zalmanova. Due to the healing properties of turpentine, repeatedly reinforced water temperature, such baths help stabilize the pressure in hypertension and hypotension, cleaned of fat and tendon joints, improve capillary blood flow and oxygen circulation, improve skin condition and limit the sweat glands and much more. Depending on the species of turpentine such baths are divided into yellow and white, and have different effects on the organism.
However, turpentine substance is not so harmless and use it yourself to be very careful. Firstly, it should be remembered that the injection of turpentine often cause inflammation at the injection site (abscess).
In the application of turpentine, it is necessary to take into account the toxicity of the substance. Although turpentine and is much less toxic than the substances obtained by other means, there is still the maximum dose for oral administration, which is considered harmless. She is 4 grams. If exceed dose may poisoning. Prolonged use in small doses can cause renal failure.
Should not be used alone to treat children turpentine, in medical practice recorded cases of death by ingestion and by inhalation of 10-15 ml of turpentine.
Laboratory studies of topical turpentine shown that long-term use can lead to benign tumors. If turpentine applied course in the form of ointments may be a slight burning sensation, is a normal effect.
Medicinal properties of turpentine studied and now, not only in our country but also abroad. Opinion on the benefits and harms of often contradictory, there are descriptions as "miracle cures" and the severe consequences after use turpentine for the treatment of various diseases. The conclusion is: everything is good in moderation and under the supervision of a competent professional.
Therefore I'd like to remind you that it is best to buy medicines at the pharmacy turpentine, to be sure of their quality and safety. Should not be used without consulting a doctor of his mouth, by injection, as well as long-term use for rubbing.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady