Mustard oil: use
Mustard oil - a valuable nutritional and therapeutic agent having antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Alsomustard oil, the use of which depends on the content of natural antibiotics, is very good for the treatment of burns, external wounds, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases. The oil helps the body grow and develop, it is very useful for nursing mothers.
Mustard oil: application
Successfully applied mustard oil in cooking and in folk medicine and cosmetology. Oil is used for the production of cosmetic creams, confectionery and baking industry, in the preparation of medicines. In some countries, this oil is often used for a relaxing massage after intensive sports training. Furthermore,mustard oil, the use of which will help you to strengthen the body, contains many beneficial vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, essential oils, glycosides, volatile, chlorophyll.
This valuable edible oil due retinol content promotes growth of the organism, increases its resistance to infections. This oil also contains vitamin B6. Furthermore, this oil helps the production of vitamin microorganisms that inhabit the intestine. Contained in this oil and niacin, which has beneficial effects on carbohydrate metabolism, and dilates blood vessels. Women's magazine JustLady draws your attention to the fact that mustard oil is contained in 1, 5 times more vitamin D, than in sunflower oil, but because this vitamin is crucial for our body. It not only improves the immune system, improves the function of the thyroid gland, but also prevents the risk of skin and a number of cardiovascular diseases. Mustard oil is also rich in vitamin E, due to a lack of which may disrupt the metabolism and develop local anoxia. Contained in this oil choline, vitamin P and K, and improves the strength of the capillaries increase their elasticity.
Mustard oil: Properties
For many centuries,mustard oil is not only used as a dietary product, but also as a therapeutic and prophylactic. This oil is rich in vitamins and biologically active substances, has a wide range of properties, including: antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immunostimulant, anti-tumor, anti-septic properties. For many diseasesproperties of mustard oil allow to use it as a preventative and as a remedy.
Very useful mustard oil for the digestive system. It does not only stimulate the digestive process, but also remarkably improves the appetite. It is also important that this oil contains polyunsaturated acids which normalize lipid metabolism in the liver. For this reason, mustard oil recommended in the prevention and treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis, fatty liver, gallstones, cirrhosis.
This oil is useful for the skin because it has beneficial effects on the skin. Thanks antifungal, antibacterial, wound healing and anti-viral properties, this oil is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of many skin diseases. For example, it can be effectively used for acne, seborrhea, allergic skin lesions, herpes, eczema, psoriasis. Magazine encourages you to try JustLadymustard oil for skin care. It is easily applied, quickly absorbed into the skin, actively nourishing, cleansing and moisturizing it. Please note that this oil prevents wrinkles, and therefore can be used for mature skin. Also, it is well protected skin from premature aging due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays or sex hormone deficiency. In addition, mustard oil can be used to strengthen the hair.
Mustard oil: contraindications
Has mustard oil and contraindications. First of all, it idiosyncrasy some oil components. In addition, with great seriousness to this oil must take people with myocardial diseases - it before using this oil is recommended to consult a doctor. Should also be alert people with gastritis with high acidity or gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. If you have sensitive skin, allergic reactions due to topical use of this oil.
As already mentioned above, mustard oil long shelf life - from ten months to two years. However, after the first use of oil should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady