Useful properties and applications in cooking coriander

Useful properties and applications in cooking coriander
 Coriander in appearance resembles parsley, has a specific flavor. She is worshiped in the Caucasus, and spicy seeds sing in Asia. Without it, no one dish unthinkable East. It is used in cooking, treats, tones the body.
 As part of greens and cilantro seeds contains the following useful features:
- Carotene;
- Ascorbic acid;
- Routines;
- Vitamin B1;
- Vitamin B2;
- Vitamin C;
- Vitamin P;
- Linaonol;
- Sucrose;
- Geraniol;
- Decyl aldehyde;
- Acid decyl;
- Borneol;
- Cymene;
- Fillandren;
- Pinene;
- Terpinolene;
- Organic acid;
- Tannin;
- Fructose;
- Glucose and others.

Using the useful properties of cilantro in folk medicine

One of the more common properties of cilantro - to strengthen and improve the tone of the body. No feast in the Caucasus can not do without this wonderful herb. In the people there is a belief that it is able to increase the potency. Regular consumption of fresh beneficial effect on health.

Cilantro is a natural antiseptic, strengthens thinned walls of blood vessels and capillaries, contributes to the normal operation of the endocrine system and even has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Strengthening the entire body, the plant improves the quality of blood formation and circulation, has a positive effect on the dynamics of the cardiovascular system. In dentistry, coriander oil significantly helps in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.

Useful decoctions and infusions made from herbs and seeds, help with nervousness, stress, and relieve a hangover.

From coriander seeds can be prepared decoction. To do this, you must take:
- 20 g coriander;
- One liter of boiling water.

Seeds poured boiling water and leave for half an hour under the hood. This tool can be used as a diaphoretic and carminative 2 tablespoons before meals. Also it is used for baths during acute gemorroynogo syndrome.

Cilantro (coriander) in cooking

Should not take more food coriander 35 grams at a time. This can lead to undesirable consequences.

Cilantro consumed fresh as greens. It is added to salads and hot dishes. Coriander seeds are used as a fragrant spices. Whole grains are used for salting fish, pickled vegetables and mushrooms. In finely ground is added to both Asian and Caucasian cuisine.

Daily consumption of green food helps to normalize the activity of the digestive tract, leading to normal appetite and metabolism. With diuretic properties, cilantro helps normalize the functioning of the gall bladder and urinary system.

In order not to cause harm to the body, should consult with your doctor about the possibility of using herbs in food and do not abuse it.

Cilantro is not recommended to eat in pregnant or lactating, as well as in patients with thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction and stroke.

The use of coriander as a cosmetic product

For skin care can make a useful decoction of coriander, which tones and strengthens blood vessels of the skin. To do this, you must take:
- A glass of boiling water;
- Tablespoon chopped green grass.

Cilantro poured boiling water and leave for half an hour. This tool, you can simply wash and you can prepare ice cubes and rub their face on a daily basis.

The use of essential oil of coriander

If you drop a few drops in an aroma lamp, a pair of coriander will have a beneficial effect on the weakened body during rehabilitation after an infectious disease. Disappears fatigue, improve the general condition.

In combination with ointments from rheumatic pains coriander essential oil helps relieve painful symptoms and increases the medical effect.

Tags: cooking, use, property, cilantro, use, coriander