Fashion profession: makeup artist, stylist

Fashion profession: makeup artist, stylist
 Makeup artist - an artist, his canvas - a body. It does not create landscapes and still lifes, he gives a person an aesthetic appearance, emphasizes external advantages and hides physical disabilities. Makeup artist, stylist, in addition, need to understand the trends of fashion to makeup was not just sex, but also relevant.
 Profession make-up artist, stylist in demand since ancient times. Cosmetics, men and women have since time immemorial. But not everyone can impose their own quality and spectacular make-up, so from the moment the first thought up the paint for the eyes and lips, there are specialists in make-AAP. As time went on, trends in the simple but diverse makeup changed, and make-up artists were forced to follow the trends of changing fashion.

In the Middle Ages in France, appeared the term "make-up artist, stylist." If it is a literal translation from the French, it sounds like "a person who is engaged in face and fashion." At the same time added to his responsibilities the need to care for your skin rich ladies and courtiers favorites. High hairpieces, hair stylists who have been laid in accordance with the stylist, lipstick from dried apple peel fashionable shades, prepared under his strict control ... No make-up stylist at the court was not enough.

Today in Russia, this profession is rare, and accordingly - highly paid. Make up enough, but the make-up, make-up in accordance with the fashion trends - no. To become a makeup artist, stylist, you need to special courses. As a rule, the first part of the curriculum aimed at teaching technique makeup and modeling, the second with a suitable guess teaches a particular situation, environment and time of year make-apom. Duration of course - from one month to six months. Approximate cost varies from seven to fifteen thousand rubles, depending on the level and prestige of the school makeup. After completing this course you will be issued with an appropriate certificate that allows you to work officially make-up artist, stylist.

Tags: profession, stylist, makeup artist

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