The physical biorhythm creates an electromagnetic field of the planet at a constant rotation around its axis. Its duration is about 23, 69 days. This rhythm is responsible for the condition of the human body - his heart, blood vessels, muscles.
Emotional biorhythm lasts 28 days and is dependent on two lunar cycles: the cycle of rotation of the satellite around the Earth (27, 3 days) and return the cycle of the moon in its original position relative to the sun. (29, 5 days). For the calculation of the arithmetic mean of these two numbers - 28, 4 days. This biorhythm is responsible for the emotional state of a person, his excitability of the nervous system.
Intellectual biorhythm treatment depends on the Sun on its own orbit in relation to our planet and moon. This cycle - longer than most and is as much as 33 days. This biorhythm is responsible for the work of the brain, the quality of thought processes.
To calculate the biorhythm is necessary to build a sine wave from the date of his birth. At the beginning of each half cycle of the curve comes up - before the peak, and a mid-cycle returns to zero. In the second half of the cyclic process sine wave goes down, reaching the lowest rate in the middle of the 2nd half of the cycle. In the "negative" part of the cycle of people most at risk of developing, he is in a difficult emotional state, there may be depression, it is difficult to carry out and thought processes. The most dangerous, however, considered the so-called zero position, in which the state of the body's most unstable. To calculate the cycles, there are special computer programs that produce complex calculations.
In initial position all 3 cycles - emotional, physical and mental - return 1 time in 995 days.