How to reduce waist 10cm

How to reduce waist 10cm
 Waist and thighs are the most problematic areas of the female body, when it comes to getting rid of extra pounds. Banish fat from the sides and maintain the harmony of shapes is possible only with the help of an intelligent combination of healthy eating and physical activity.
 If you want to significantly reduce the volume of the body at the waist, you need to change the composition of its food and its mode of administration. Try to eat little and often. Wash down the food with cool water. Remember that the body uses 40 calories just for something to warm 200 ml of water. In addition, filling the stomach, water sensation of hunger.

Avoid fatty, sugary and starchy foods. Try to use more food containing natural "burners" fat: lysine, choline, vitamin C, L-carnitine and magnesium. Lysine is found in poultry, milk, spinach, carrots, apricots and grapes. Choline is found in grains, legumes, beans, tofu and cabbage. Vitamin C rich fruits and many vegetables such as kiwi, citrus fruits, cauliflower, black currant. Magnesium is found in peas, fish, shellfish and nuts. Making the menu of these products, losing weight lady should remember that fried and stewed dishes much caloric boiled and baked.

Waist size is largely determined by the state of the oblique abdominal muscles, which can pull up with the following exercises. Lie on your back. Put your right hand under his head, and his left hand to push the stomach - so you will feel the work of the abdominal muscles. Raise your upper body by turning your right elbow to your left knee. Begin this exercise by executing 5 lifts in each direction, and with the strengthening of the muscles, increase the number of repetitions to 30.

Grease the sides can drive away, performing deep tilts from side to side. This exercise can be made more effective if, making the slope to the right, reach in this direction with his right hand. Harmony can be achieved by performing rotational exercises with hoop. In addition, to quickly get rid of a few extra inches at the waist to help slimming underwear. At the same time, using a corset lace-up, you can lose 10 cm in a few minutes. However, resorting to such means of gaining harmony, it is important to remember that they can be harmful to health and they must be used with great caution.

Tags: waist

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