Nourishing face mask against wrinkles

Nourishing face mask against wrinkles
 Sooner or later, facial skin begins to fade and age, especially if it lacks vitamins and moisture. After 28 years begins to slow down the process of cell division, so at this age you may notice the appearance of fine lines at the corners of the mouth and the nose. Becomes topical use of anti-wrinkle masks that have the ability to pull and smooth the skin.
 Often in the fight against the signs of aging skin mask used on the basis of honey, butter and egg yolk. To prepare the masks take one egg yolk and rub thoroughly with a tablespoon peach oil (can substitute castor, sea buckthorn, apricot, olive or almond oil). Add a teaspoon of flower honey and mix well. Lubricate the skin prepared mixture and let sit for twenty minutes, rinse with warm water.

Rye mask against wrinkles

Take a couple of tablespoons rye flour, three tablespoons of warm cow's milk and one egg yolk. Whisk all ingredients in a blender or mixer and place the cooked weight on your face and neck. At the end of twenty minutes, wash with cool water (preferably mineral).

Curd Mask anti-aging skin

Cottage cheese and sour cream are perfect for preparing nutritious masks wrinkles. Mix a tablespoon of fat cottage village with two tablespoons of sour cream home, add half a teaspoon of salt. All mix thoroughly until a uniform composition and apply it on the face. Fifteen minus rinse with lukewarm water and gently pat the face with a soft towel.

Banana Mask of wrinkles

To prepare the mask, you will need half a banana, which should grate or chop in a blender. Banana mass mix thoroughly with a tablespoon of sour cream and egg yolk. Add to the mix a teaspoon of honey and apply banana mask on clean skin. Twenty-five minutes, rinse with warm water composition.

Nourishing Mask of wrinkles with aloe

Two tablespoons of crushed leaves of aloe, mix with one egg yolk. Add three tablespoons of powdered milk and a tablespoon of honey. All mix well until a smooth consistency. Apply gruel on face an even layer and after twenty minutes, rinse with mineral water at room temperature.

Tags: face mask, wrinkle

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