Orange vitamin - beta carotene

Orange vitamin - beta carotene
 Of all the carotenoids - fat-containing plant pigments orange - the basic forms is considered to be the alpha and beta-carotene. There are other - gamma, delta, zeta and others, but most still talking about orange vitamin - beta carotene, as it was he who has the best ability if it enters the human body transformed into vitamin A.

The role of beta-carotene in the body

From the standpoint of the chemistry of alpha- and beta-carotene - is almost the same. But this "almost" depends very much: the spatial configuration of the molecules is different. This difference is not negligible specialist decides, in fact determines the biological functions of these pigments. For this reason, beta-carotene is safe for humans, i.e. you can not get him an overdose, although the subject of an overdose of fat-soluble vitamins is very relevant.

Drinking large amounts of beta-carotene (for example, a few glasses of carrot juice) can cause yellowing of the skin. Many are afraid of such an effect, but experts say it is no danger to human health.

Secret such loyalty beta-carotene is converted to that vitamin A only when he starts his lack, this vitamin in the body. Until then it "works" in the form in which the body was in, that is as an antioxidant. However, he at times actively pure vitamin, ie their work is done on the conscience. For example, beta-carotene deficiency is much more likely causes of cancer than the lack of pure vitamin A: cancer is breast, lung, stomach, colon, etc.

In combination with vitamin C, beta-carotene is able to prevent the development of cervical cancer. This fact is confirmed by an overwhelming majority of professionals successfully use the yellow-orange pigment plant in the treatment and prevention of cancer. This is truly a priceless combination - beta-carotene and vitamin C - helps with cardiovascular disease, the number of which can be reduced at times when people who are prone to their emergence and development (risk group), assign taking high doses of beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, which is also clinical evidence. This compound is able to increase the level of "good" cholesterol in the blood and reduce the level of "bad", and hence the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.

As a natural antioxidant beta-carotene is protective against free radicals which are formed in the cells by the process of intracellular respiration, and ingestion of contaminated air, including tobacco smoke. Beta-carotene as a natural antioxidant inhibits premature aging, keeps skin smooth and elastic, vision - acute and hearing - sensitive.

Strengthens the immune system Vitamin A, and in this case, beta-carotene is vital. However, the pigment is able to stimulate the immune system and no conversion in this vitamin, while it is particularly good at helping those who suffer from viral infections and viral diseases. Documented results when natural beta-carotene in high doses even helped AIDS patients by slowing down and stopping the process of destruction of cells of the immune system.

Increased amount of orange pigment beta-carotene is necessary for the person under the following circumstances:
- Increase in the ambient temperature;
- Long exposure to the sun and deep tan;
- Accommodation in a bad environment;
- The impact of X-ray radiation;
- Great exercise.

Receiving beta-carotene, vitamin and not A, shown pregnant whose weight rapidly growing organism and is perceived as increased physical activity. No overdose - there is no risk for the development of the fetus and the health of the unborn child.

Beta-carotene products

Beta-carotene as a bright representative of plant pigments gives fruits and vegetables not only yellow, red and orange hues, but, oddly enough, dark green. Moreover, the more saturated the color, the more beta-carotene comprises a fruit or vegetable. Where is the largest number of this wonderful natural pigment? These are the following sources of beta-carotene:
- Carrot;
- Persimmon;
- Spinach;
- Broccoli;
- Mango;
- Melon;
- Apricot;
- Parsley;
- Spinach;
- Buckthorn.

Full list of vegetables, fruit and vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene, is large enough. Include at least some of them in different quantities and combinations in your daily diet and you will be provided with protection of natural forces from many troubles and health problems. On the day a person needs 1 mg of vitamin A and 5 mg - beta-carotene (just as it is contained in a standard tablet of pharmacy packaging, however, in any case, before taking should read the manual). In this case, they should not be substituted for each other, because if beta-carotene can be converted into vitamin A, on the contrary - ever. The action of beta-carotene, when he was in "their" form, it is often more useful to the body than after its conversion into vitamin A.

Orange vitamin - beta carotene

Assimilation of beta-carotene body

Beta-carotene absorption occurs in the intestine. The degree of its assimilation of plant foods affects the fullness of rupture cell membranes, so the pigment be acquired better, for example, from carrot puree than from whole carrots. The heat treatment takes up 25-30% of beta-carotene with steaming loss decreases. Simultaneously with the reception of the beta-carotene vegetable doctors recommend taking vitamin E (preferably in the form of oil), and C is a synergist, t. E. Amplifiers of each other.

Contraindications and harm of beta-carotene

Contraindications to beta-carotene is not, as well as the harm from the use of products with its contents. Significant overdose of beta-carotene may cause carotenemia or giperkarotinemiyu - an overabundance of carotene in the body. Carotenemia not considered a dangerous condition because excess beta-carotene is completely harmless, although the skin while visibly yellow (a phenomenon called karotinodermiya).

When diagnosing giperkarotinemii to interrupt reception, or beta-carotene materially reduce the dose. This is done to eliminate the disease if upon discontinuance of the plant pigment color is not restored, you must necessarily seek medical advice as changes in pigmentation can be a symptom of a disease.

Tags: organism vitamin role carotene, beta