Nutritional value and useful properties of pink salmon

Nutritional value and useful properties of pink salmon
 Pink salmon - one of the few species of salmon, affordable, unlike salmon, trout and others, the cost of which is high enough. Pink salmon same, sometimes called pink salmon, as can be seen on the holiday table, and in daily diet of those who adhere to the basics of good nutrition. Nutritional value and useful properties of pink salmon are such that it is included in their menu are people who do not want to have health problems and seeking to postpone retirement.

Nutritional value and composition of pink salmon

100 g pink salmon account for only 140-150 calories. Despite such a small amount of calories, dishes made with this fish, it is extremely nutritious and satisfying due to the high content of protein - up to 60%. Ie saturation occurs quickly, and digestion is slow, which means that even a large portion of the pink salmon will not harm those who are afraid of overweight and calculates calories. In this fish absolutely no carbohydrates.

The content of pink salmon in a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 makes it truly record among fish of the species. These acids are almost never occur in other foods.

Pink salmon contains the following vitamins:
- A (retinol);
- C (ascorbic acid);
- Group B (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cobalamins et al.);
- PP (niacin);
- K (phylloquinone);
- E (tocopherol);
- D (calciferol);
- H (choline).

Fish is also valuable presence of a majority of macro- and micronutrients. Particularly in many pink salmon potassium - up to 335 mg per 100 g of edible portion, phosphorus - 200 mg, fluorine - to 430 micrograms, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iodine, iron and others. In other words, salmon contains virtually all the minerals required by the body to reliably maintain the biological balance.

Included in the amino acid composition of meat gorbushi - threonine, tryptophan, taurine, histidine, methionine, lysine, and others - are used by the body as structural elements for building protein.

Useful properties of pink salmon

It is difficult to overestimate the quality of consumer pink salmon. For example, vitamin A is presented in it in the form of retinol, without which it is impossible normal operation of sweat and sebaceous glands, production of proteins and lipids, and mucosal healing of damaged skin. The word "retinol" is familiar to women using anti-aging cosmetic products, which due to the presence in them of this component, have the ability to rejuvenate cells, smooth wrinkles.

Vitamin C, in turn, is essential for the organism, because with his direct participation happen all the redox processes. And in combination with vitamin A, ascorbic acid blocks in the blood of toxic substances, thus helping the body to resist infection. Niacin, also known as vitamin PP, supports the work of the gastrointestinal tract and saves from psoriasis, vitamin E helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, protecting cells from aging.

B vitamins have a complex effect on all body systems. For example, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the distribution of glucose, which increases the quality of the nervous system and, consequently, improves mood, save us from the consequences of stress.

Pink and useful for brain blood supply, as pyridoxine improves brain metabolism in cells, and thus improves memory performance improvement.

In general, vitamins B «responsible" as for protein, lipid, carbohydrate and water-salt metabolism, and for the process of hematopoiesis. They are intended to regulate the function of the nervous system, affecting the mental well-being. When included in the diet of fish such as salmon, increased intellectual abilities.

Yet by and large humpback gained its popularity due to its content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3. These acids are vital for normal functioning of the substance of the human body. Nutritionists around the world is not accidentally called omega-3 reliable guardians of youth. It is these acids are to protect all cells of the body from harmful environmental influences, such as rainfall, extreme temperatures, UV rays, and so on.

That Omega-3 helps to slow down the aging process of all body systems. Due to the antioxidant effects of acids occurs protection structure of DNA molecules in which free radicals are not able to make them harmful changes. At the same time dozens of times and reduces the risk of development of malignant tumors.

Nutritional value and useful properties of pink salmon

The high content of amino acids in the pink salmon makes it extremely useful product for athletes who need to pump up the muscle mass, the sick, weak and elderly, as the fish is able to supply the body building material for the cells in sufficient numbers, without requiring a large expenditure of energy to digest protein. This amino acid, histidine, prevents the emergence and development of Alzheimer's disease, protects against damage nerve cells, repairing damaged tissue.

Pink salmon - an unrivaled source of iodine, so necessary for trouble-free operation of the thyroid gland. The use of pink salmon and determined the content of the trace elements such as fluorine, which prevents the occurrence of caries. Since fluorine is a component of tooth enamel, its deficiency increases the risk of caries by 40%.

Thus, it can be summarized: tonic effect gorbushi is that it contains nearly all of the minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other substances which are essential for human health. It is useful to periodically arrange in your diet fish days to provide the building blocks of the body and increase its resistance to external negative factors. Doing so is not only useful, but also nice, because humpback extremely tasty in any form - fried, salted, boiled, steamed, baked in foil, etc.

Tags: salmon, substance, quality, value, there