Mozzarella: buffalo cheese

Mozzarella: buffalo cheese
 Mozzarella - soft fresh cheese from buffalo milk, long time did not leave the limits of their homeland - the surroundings of Naples. The shelf life was so short, only a few days, that the popularity of the world do not have even dreamed of. With the development of technologies of transportation and storage of products widened and the glory of the snow-white elastic and soft cheese. Nowadays, there are very few places on earth where it does not have to hear tried and loved.  

Traditional mozzarella - mozzarella di bufala - made from the milk of water buffalo or Asian. Milk it - a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Compared with cows, it a half times more calcium, phosphorus, sodium and vitamin B. Due to the high casein content and higher fat content, buffalo milk is poorly absorbed by the human body in its raw form, but precisely because of these properties, it outperforms other types of milk consumption. To make one kilo of cheese need 8 liters of cow's milk or buffalo milk 5, 1 kg of oil is obtained from 14 liters of cow's milk, but to produce the same amount of oil is sufficient buffalo milk 10 liters. And, of course, in revised form buffalo milk cow delicious and nutritious.

Production of mozzarella - the process fascinating. Stvorazhivaetsya milk, whey is drained, and the curd is divided into small pieces that are sent into the water or whey, heated to 95 degrees Celsius. Where they are few hours to as long as no start to float on the surface. Then the liquid is drained and became elastic curd is stretched almost - in Italy, this process is called pasta filata. Of soft elastic fibrous cheese stretched long filaments, and are formed into balls of cheese - bocconcini. More warm mozzarella dipped in vats of cold water or serum, and here - the famous cheese is ready!

Buffalo milk - an expensive product, and therefore present a fresh cheese from it is not cheap. Especially dear valued Mozzarella di bufala campana - this cheese, produced in the vicinity of Lazio and Campania, is a product guaranteed by its traditional properties (TGA) and protected at the direction of origin (PDO). That is, according to the laws adopted by the European Union, no other cheese from a different region has no right to be called, and the producers of this cheese, in turn, are responsible for the fact that it is made only from the traditional raw materials and only on traditional technologies.

Purists argue that only happens mozzarella from buffalo milk. Italians do not think so. Simply, unlike mozzarella di bufala, mozzarella made from cow's milk called mozzarella fior de latte. It is the same technology and cheese is obtained as tasty and tender, but significantly less fat. And both mozzarella is twisted into bundles - treccia, smoked - affumicata and with less water content, especially for pizza - pizza. Mozzarella manteca can try only in Italy. This is the freshest cheese wrapped around a piece of most excellent butter, he can not tolerate long-term storage.

Tags: milk, cheese, mozzarella, buffalo, mozzarella