Marjoram - a popular spice and medicinal plant

Marjoram - a popular spice and medicinal plant
 Marjoram - plant of the family yasnotkovyh (or Labiatae), which includes his close "relatives" marjoram (oregano), lemon balm, mint, rosemary, sage, basil, and others - more than 7,000 species. Distinguish oregano leaf and flower. Flower is a low annual weed with small leaves, leaf - a perennial shrub with the spreading branches. But above all, marjoram - a popular spice and medicinal plant.

General Information

In marjoram, there are other names - Zaatar, bardakush, mardakush. Home to the plant is considered Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. About 3 thousand years ago, it is specially cultivated by the ancient Egyptians for incense (in the form of oil), making medicines and spice mixtures for food. Soon it began to grow in China and in the Middle Ages and already in some European countries. The population of Central Europe became known as oregano spice and a remedy in the XVI century, since its popularity multiply every year.

It is believed that the best marjoram made still in Egypt. Argued that modern producers known ancient secret of making this oil, and they do not deny.

Leaves, flowers and fruits marjoram have spicy aroma, similar to the smell of peppermint, and slightly bitter and sweet taste at the same time, vaguely reminiscent of black pepper and camphor. Numerous stems, whose number one bush reaches fifty, studded with short elongated egg-shaped leaves. Dark red flowers, gathered in a false spike, are located in the "pockets" of leaves and fruit - four small-seeded nutlets.

The composition of marjoram

The chemical composition of marjoram, especially young plants, is extremely rich. Its stems and leaves contain up to 3, 5% essential oil, fragrance is reminiscent of cardamom and thyme, but in a more delicate manner. Oil, in turn, includes components such as camphor, pinene, sabinene, terpineol, tannins, phenol resins, bitterness, etc. But what kind of plant material gives a surprisingly strong and persistent flavor, scientists still remains a mystery.

The maximum content of essential oil is celebrated during the mass flowering. Bright smell attracts bees marjoram, he - a valuable honey. However, not only a high content of essential oil of oregano is famous. Its leaves - a real storehouse of macro- and micronutrients, such as:
- Potassium;
- Iron;
- Calcium;
- Zinc;
- Silicon;
- Phosphorus et al.

Not bypassed marjoram and vitamins: A, C, E, K, PP, H and group B. In addition, the young shoots have pectin and tannins, bioflavonoids, plant protective function, pentosans, organic acids, including saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Medicinal properties of marjoram

Initially, marjoram was used exclusively as a spice. The ancient Greeks discovered that the leaves of the plant (they called it as oregano) are able to mute the effect of fatty and heavy meals - baked ham, roast goose and duck, sausages and schnitzel. That is, marjoram significantly simplifies the process of digestion, warned phenomena such as heartburn, belching, and indigestion. Marjoram and used as a remedy for swelling and cramps, as well as a reliable antidote (antidote).

Especially highly valued by our ancestors antiscorbutic properties of marjoram. Decoction of leaves helped with the looseness and bleeding gums, inflammation of the mouth. These quality teas and decoctions of marjoram relevant today.

Soon the Greeks greatly expanded list of useful properties and applications of marjoram. Learned to cook from his agent that gave courage and raised the morale of foreign players, not by chance that the name of oregano (orosganos) meant "laughing elixir mountains." Essential oil extracted from oregano, treated colds, asthma, nervous disorders, headaches. These properties have been successfully used in modern herbal medicine. Decent place is essential marjoram and in the perfume industry.

In general, the scope of the marjoram is very wide. Its healing power resort with health problems such as:
- Run up the wound;
- Sprains;
- Sprains;
- Rheumatism;
- Neuralgic pains;
- Disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
- Diabetes;
- Myocardial et al.

In addition, the crushed leaves of marjoram are used instead of salt people sitting on a salt-free diet.

Marjoram - a popular spice and medicinal plant

Application marjoram in cooking

Marjoram in cooking valuable primarily a unique flavor, without which, for example, the glory of Provencal cuisine would be far from complete. He perfectly complements meat and fish dishes, soups and vegetable stew, is a component of many salads and sauces. Its spiciness love to use its facilities sausage makers, cheese makers, brewers, winemakers. Marjoram is a member of the well-known around the world Caucasian seasoning "hop-suneli." Dried leaves and buds hostess added to pickles, fruit drinks, jelly, brew.

Vinegar infused with marjoram, salads can be refilled. This dressing is cooked very simply, a few leaves of the plants are placed for 5-6 days in the dining room or apple cider vinegar, and it acquires a spicy flavor and original taste. In a similar manner prepare and oil for cooking pizza.


Marjoram has long been known as a tool capable to terminate the pregnancy, because of its property of causing a strong reduction in uterine muscles. Therefore, decoctions, teas, spicy mixture, which include marjoram, is contraindicated in women throughout the pregnancy. Healing means on the basis of this fragrant plants should be used with caution in hypertensive patients and people suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tags: cooking, herb, spice, property, contraindication, marjoram